nature of the militaryid to sy rebels saying reports suggesting the united states is heading into a new warreerplaying. joining me now, former pentagon official, fox's national security analyst. general david grainger retired u.s. army brigadier general, former commander of the first-ever entry division, combat veteran, action in vietnam, granada, yugoslavia, good to have you both with u let me start with the president's performance in berlin today. it was as if i could hear come on around the globe as the president spoke. ur reactn? >> the ever shrinking obama presidency. you know, berli is where presidents go to make great historic speeches. john f. kennedy, ronald reagan. and now barack obama, and there was nothing there. it was just a lot of platitudes. the only thing he said of any significance was tt he was going to unilaterally cut u.s. nuclear forces and then hopefully gotiate with the russians to maybe get their arsenal. i say to that fat chance. lou: general. >> well, i think it has to be a trade-off you're going to reduce tte nuclear force, but if it is done and it may be a cave as