new york bagel? hmm? stanley? - thank you. - oh, no, no, no. i got a pumpernickel just for you. - h and h. you went all the way to new york city - this was really nice, dwight. thanks. - thanks. - oh, don't mention it. you owe me one. you all owe me one. good morning, michael. - good morning, dwight. - hungry? - no. i had a fish stick sandwich. actually, i had two fish stick sandwiches. my girlfriend didn't want hers, because i guess i'm the only aphrodisiac she needs. - fish sticks are not an aaphrodisiac - yeah... - you're thinking of deer penis. - it worked. - regardless, that was over two hours ago, and it is now a scientific fact that you are hungry--bagel? - i don't mind if i do. - okay, i brought cheese too. - i'm taking one for my lady friend. - excellent. - brain food. thank you very much. - okay. you owe me. can't a guy just buy some bagels for his friends so they'll owe him a favor, which he can use to get someone fired who stole a co-manager position from him anymore? jeez... when did everyone get so cynical? [cheerful music] ♪ ♪ - pam, would you care for a bagel? - oh, no, thank you. - oh, that's right, you're a w