to put that in comparison with some of our peers, new york city mta, they average 14 miles an hour for system wide service coverage and l.a. county --. l.a. county mta averages 13.3 miles an hour. even chicago, chicago is about 12.8 miles an hour. so, we've got our work cut out for us and we're obviously operating at slow speed. so, the question then becomes why, why do we operate at slow speeds. obviously there's a number of reasons. there's no one specific reason, but they all kind of rollup, we operate in a dense urban environment, we have a lot of stops [speaker not understood] every block and a half. we have aging equipment so our vehicles breakdown often and we have narrow streets with constrained right-of-way. all those relations to the customer, you can see these pictures right here, how those challenges relate to the customer. there's a lot of gaps in service, crowded conditions, the buses are overcrowded especially on some of our major corridors. and buses get stuck in traffic because we operate at grade with the congestion that's out there right now. so, what is muni doing t