. >> what is holiday sales for you in terms of the eight stores that you have in new york cityo >> christmas is going to be 35%, 38%. and then easter. so christmas is the first one and valentine's day is crazy. the biggest day of the year. the smallest holiday in numbers because it is short but it is one day of craziness. we love valentine's. everybody go behind the counter sell chocolates. it is interesting about valentine's. ladies know what they want two or three days before and pick what they want. men -- >> last-minute shoppers. >> don't really know and they have the price in mind, not the product. we try to cater to everyone and have everyone ready that day. >> doesn't surprise me to hear that at all. jacques, thank you for coming in and sharing today and wish you the best. >> thank you very much. happy to be here. >> thank you very much. >>> that's hour show for today. next week a look at "frozen" on ice with nicole feld of feld entertainment. the company that produces the live theatrical event. we are "on the money." cheers, everybody. we will see you next weekend. behold, the subway