. >> passengers have thinned out on new york subwaways, but thats no assurance too manany people o need the right. >> it is really square -- really scary. if there are a l lot o of homels peoplele o on the trains, you he to wait for the next train or have to go to a different p par, that is my main issue so far. >> keeping your distance from others, experts agree social distancing, combined with aggressive testing is the fastest way to tackle covid-19, but there are not enough tests in new york or elsewhere. numerous governor says companies cannot provide the numbers needed. >> we need an unprecedented [inaudible] where the government can produce these tests in the millions. >> on the other side you have the number of beds being used saying they are substantially reduced. >> the death toll continues to mount. hospitals arare real pururpose n fridge raider trucks as makeshift morgues and the city's unmarked graves, burials have spiked. the rise is being attributed to covid-19. >> spain's government is expressing optimism. standards will not be allowed to leave their homes for another two