room for thevent -- seated septber 27 shoulder-to-ououldernd not wearg masks. acssss thenited states, coronavivirucases coinue t t clclimb,ith h mo than 5200 newew infefectns repepted on wednesy.y. e dedeattoll is proachchg 212,000 and nearlyalalf a millioion u.s. residents have bn hospitalized with covid-19 since the start of the pandemic. wisconsin governor tony evers s issued a an emergency order limiting indndoor gatheringsgs a massive outbreak in eastern wisconsin n threatens toto overm hospitals. boston officials have suspended the reopening of public schools after a rise in new cases. here in new york, leaders of the orthodox jewish community clashed with governor andrew cuomo over newly issued coronavirus restrictions on houses of worship. in brooklyn, mostly unmasked groups of orthodox men took to the streets in protests that turned violent, lighting fires, waving donald trump flags, and attacking a jewish journalist. for the first time in its 208-yeyear history, the new england journal of medicicine hs weighed in o on a u.s. election, calling on voters to reject donald trump. the journal's editors wrote -- "our current political leaders have demonstrated