will, and the negative press and publicity, many residents think the county school system need a newimagedo you agree with that? >> i do. i do think we need a new and that image needs to be our children because we have 134,000 ch who all believe in themselv and they have parents who believe in them. and if we begin to focus on wt ey look like and what their dreams are, then i think we can begin to rebrand. every day i meet people who have prince orge's public schools. it.and i want to make sure we are all public school proud. >> it must be a tremendous relief to you to know you come into this job with a reservoir of good will. the students love you. staff lov you. people love working with you. they feel they know you.. >>immigrateful. m very grateful for that. what i have done is begun to reach out to our elected official met with them recently so that we are all on the same page because we all wanes what's for our children. el you ask anyone who has known me, they'll you that i have a passion for children, that i to be doneneeds and make sure that they have the ist education experience s