new guinea, newjersey, new york, new zealand, where do you want to go, chuck? new they are husband and wife. well, go on, kiss me. look what i've got! hey, i've got a match for my dog, we saw it in this antiques shop window on nightingale street. where are you going, jack? to see a man about a thing. where's me dog?! i wouldn't have done that, but it was an emergency. i've brought my own flaming dog! calm down, vera, love. 48 quid for my own dog! that miserable so—and—so only gave me 25! i've never loved anybody else. come on, say you've never loved anybody else. i've never loved anybody else, shall i go and get your slippers? please. i wish that at that time i had been older, so that i would have been able to have answered or spoke up for myself. you move like a racehorse. you walk like a derby winner. you must let me help you, introduce you to some friends of mine, some photographers, film people, television people. i could do wonders with you, little baby. lam homosexual, irretrievably. then why did you come here looking as you do? well... many people said, "d