the informal, but important interrogation of people on the farm, one of whom is newsom's grandson, whoelates he helped celia distribute the ashes of her fire on the path leading to the stable on the farm, and george, the enslaved man owned by newsom. george relates -- we will come back to his testimony -- relates that perhaps they want to search in the vicinity of celia's cabin. celia herself, as we know, progressively tells a story. initially she denies any understanding of newsom's whereabouts, what might have happened to him. she then begins to piecemeal tell a story. the consequences of her act are grave, as we know. she begins to tell a story first about newsom having put his head through the window and having struck him, his disappearing into the night, but eventually it seems, particularly under duress, under the threat that in fact she may be separated from her children celia reveals to these neighbors, local farmers that have come to investigate the whereabouts of newsom, she reveals to them out of earshot of the newsom children, she reveals she struck him dead and disposed of