wrote, the brightest most recent day finally a spade had been called a spade, finally all worlds newspeak was dead. had come upagan from that moment, make it impossible for anyone in the west to continue closing their eyes to the real nature of the soviet union. enough just's not to speak out against the aggressive behavior of russia in ukraine or in syria. to merge our adversaries to act in accordance with international law. we must also give hope to people across the world of a better way of life. friend saidttis, my in germany last week, marking the 17th anniversary of the marshall plan, he said we stand for freedom and we will never surrender the freedom of our people. ladyin 1996, the iron delivered a speech in fulton, missouri, where of course churchill had point the iron curtain phrase 50 years before. and she said, and i quote, there are rare moments when history is byn, and its course changed means such as these. we may be at just such a moment now. to you this afternoon that we have reached such a moment. once more, with a to the united states to recapture the spirit. to provide