. -- in the newter hampshire poll. mark, there has been a lot of back-and-forth about it hillary or bernie won the debate. put everything in the vague political blender, who wins the week? mark: hillary clinton wins the week, but i want to tell you nothing in politics is never as good or as bad as it seems. hillary clinton was not as weak a week ago. she is still an overwhelming favorite. the debate performance helped her a lot. her campaign has a spring in its step. they are on offense in a range of things. i think bernie sanders, despite that one new hampshire poll, is still a mortal threat to her. jumping i offer you a retort. -- good gets better, the bad john: i offer you a retort. the good gets better and back gets worse. lot still hangs on this hearing. a lot of us are assuming she is going to do well. if she has a good week next week, she is going to be -- going to be on track. she will be on track in a way she hasn't been all year. mark: they don't have to spend time getting donors to calm down. everyone else c