to newthem to come jersey and sit across from the widows and orphans and have that conversation and they will not. it is a tougher conversation to have a. stressing this may not seem so principled after the next attack that comes killed thousands of americans as a result. >> i think the idea that security and liberty are mutually exclusive is just wrong. i think it is possible with sensible public policy to have both. that would be the first kind of message that i would convey. in a number of these areas, we want to make sure that when it relates to national security and that means keeping intelligence operations secret, we're going to do that every step of the way. that is different than keeping the law secret. there is a difference between secret operations which have to be protected to adjust those issues that governor chris christie was talking about and secret law. that is not what our system of government is all about. that is why we saw this in the how to. and millions of law- abiding americans are saying the idea of vacuuming up these phone records, who recalls, where we , laying