he's from newtown borough.hat individual was violent and got the other officer's gun away from him in the hospital, shot one officer, shot an er tech and while brian greg was on the ground he shot him in the head and killed him. i believe he's on death row. i believe governor corbett at the time signed the execution warrant. don't know the status of it now. there's a moratorium but i would like to see him put to death. he killed a police officer in cold blood. he's a bad guy. but that didn't need to happen. at the time there was no other mechanism in place but there is now. the state ems department is putting a wrench in the works. why? i don't know because it's just ridiculous. we all should be working together for the common goal and we have your own departments within the government fighting, this is not what the people -- the taxpayers of the commonwealth want. they want us working together to solve problems. we figured out a way to solve a great problem. we've increased our numbers, put officers -- made of