. >> some people think this reaction to newtownc for congrs to take, some gun rights advocates believe that you cannot legislate this problem away. any legislation would not have prevented newtown. do you stand? do you believe congress is not the right avenue? >> i spoke about some things thats got to be done. your question deals with the banning of certain guns. i quoted all , ofquot justice report that makes it overwhelming that banning guns does not prevent killings. then you have the columbine killings in 1998 when guns were banned. then have the situation in virginia tech and in the case of tucson or even a ban on those guns, none were used in those particular killings. then you have a situation where you want to ban semi-automatic rifles but you do not ban semi- automatic shotguns. the picking and choosing makes it difficult to justify that somehow you ban some and not others, and you figure 500 killings in chicago over the last year, mostly done by hand guns. when you look at the whole picture, in mesa difficult to say -- it makes it difficult to say the ban these guns. >> the m