over the nexttfew monnhs, companies including comcaat, &cablevision nd timm warner -& cable ill openeii commined 50-thouuand i-fi pteir competitoos' subssribers. the hotspots will ttrget high traffii areas, like beachee,, maalss custommrs of thh 5-providers will bb able to tappiito ny hotspotssat thesee llcaaions for free.say or example thaa you're a cox custommrr rom cceveland ut trrvel to philadelphia. you'll be able to use comcast's wi-fi -3 hhtspots in philly for free.too access the hhtspots, usees willllog on under the labell -3&p"cable-wi-fi". the reat thiig about thhse hotspots ii -3 phone's ddta plan to ssrf the - web.it aaso a respoose by the competition.mobile phonee& carriers' -g netwwrks provide & broaaband-like access almmst eeerywhere, aad any ccutomers shows direetly to heir &pdevices - wwich means they &pdon't need traditional able & i'm alisonnkooikkin new yook. -3 -----end-----cnn.script----- you expect to ee in your yard! yard!wwere this huge snnke as &pfouud....aad tte type offsnaae -3 it'ssbelieved tt be. pe.hh bllmee owntown violencc -rights leaderssare demandin