pretty much training with it who's this junior player stealing the limelight the squad star player neymar boris son along he showed that he could be following his father's footsteps one day maybe complete with a theatrical maybe not ice to see him apart from friday's matches there are other thrillers coming up on saturday russia takes on croatia and sweden versus england's right now there are said just now the tally little doubt but twenty four hours of the playing show jewel peter oliver took some time off to check out some of the fee for memorabilia on display here in moscow right now. when you believe the best players in the world gather the moment plays for the biggest football told the world we need something to play you wish on to here is the fee for museum on the jamba street they call it school a replica of the original football that was used by people who would apply in many teams and all of the other bowls probably one of the most iconic bowls one of the most important ones in the mexico nine hundred seventy bowl no that was the first ones who employ the five sided shape that you see