so it was a narrow save, neyra scrape for homeless sapiens. so i had this feeling of, well, maybe that means that 2009 is going to be the pivotal year where machines finally crossed that mark. the feeling that i immediately started to have was, not on my watch. so i wanted to see if there was something i could do to come to the aid of my fellow humans. and so i've tried to get in touch with the organizing committee. so i should say that the with the contest is run, everyone who participates, whether you are a piece of software or person gets the score, and the score represents how confident the judges were that they were talking to a real person. so every year there is a computer that gets the highest score which blends a research grant for the program are and then at an award called the most human computer aboard. the award that the contest is based on and the one with all the scientific detection. the strange thing is that there is also an award that goes to the real person who did the best job of persuading the judges there were talking to