nezafati, since the project started, an amount has been mentioned for the savings that have been made regarding the supply of art. yes, we have implemented data-based governance from the beginning in the intelligentization, and the opportunities are very few , very short. if you please, we can present a model that will go to methods such as freeing the price of efficient bread, which are often analyzed. half a million tons of flour were sifted more precisely and in the same period of time, that is one and a half years. wastage or diversion of subsidized flour has reached zero . how much is this 5,000 now? well , the number i told you is the total of 5,000 . this means that we can do a multiplication and division in your presence, and we will reach this number. arrived but we never claimed that the deviation rate of subsidized flour has reached zero, but it has decreased . in the past, the reports that we received had several hundred tons of subsidized flour deviation, but now we have reached a few grains of bread, which is the benchmark. narratives that are close to the end, you say,