the nfo claims those were labeled sensitive. that makes sense.the video i would labeled sensitive accept it is four hours of me icing my naples. the nfl was actually doing us a favor and ensuring we never have to see it. the plaintiff alleges that employees described women's using sexualized descriptions. how else do you describe sexy pictures? it sounds like someone is upset she is not hot enough to be a cheerleader. >> a sexist would say. >> greg: tyreese, they call this a database. >> the nfl, everything the film, they don't delete anything. everything is marked and lab labeled, so there is a section for sensitive stuff that will not be used if an intern wants to run something to get ticket sales and he puts a bunch -- but that is not the real reason. the reason is she was wired for performance issues and then she goes and says somehow this was affecting her. she has been wronged and she is suing them and was fired because she was a woman and all the mistakes, all of these accusations because we allow the stuff and now we are talking about it.