ng theht now we're expect possibility of rain by midweek. next week. it's possible that this smoke could push out by wednesday. i remember speaking to a meteorologist earlier this week and said itthwill be next following day. these get extended. these are just predictions. >> let's talk about who's going pay for the damage from all the fires? we have the horrible human toll. soe many peo lost homes. and lives. earlier this yearrown signed a law. that protects utilities from bearing full liability costs for wild fires they may have been caused by equipnt. and allows a company to issue bonds and pass on the liability costs to rate payers. that law applies to 2017 fres. it doesn't apply to 2018. what does this mean for the i firfuture fires? >> again it'sthunclear. whe legislature convenes in january and the governor sworn in we'll see a better picture emerge pick picker indicated clean up legislation could extend it t 2018. we'll see if there's a political appetite. >> it sounds like a bailout. >> that's what critics willt ee. about w the future of the u