wanted to introduce organic guaardening f years but it wasn't until they partnered up with the ngo pueblo p per loe /* /- peblo. >> the best place to start is with children by teaching them to grow their food without the chemicals that can cause health problems. >> specialists from pueblo pueblo a pueblo give classes in soil preparation, watering and seed banks and they are producing one 00 pounds of food a month. in a few years, the school garden should be running without any outside help. >> we have groups made of up of parents, teachers and students. little by little, they will take over the decision making in order to improve the project. >> in the school kitchen, mothers take turns preparing healthy meals using produce from the garden. at that commitment from parents and teachers that's having a dramatic impact. >> the students used to have very low grades. in a few months, we have seen a big change in their work. they, synthesis see the change inheir attitude toward school. >> careen hernandez inspired her mom to grow her brchlt s at home. it's the kind of effect that could transfor