according to the great play by great play byryan's high -- to s a spokesperson for nhtsa would not answer our questions on the propose average but said it was posted by mistake and any changes are being withdrawn. in 2014, almost 3200 people were killed and almost 430,000 injured in crashes involving distracted driving. in washington, george colli, fox 25 news. >> elizabeth: new at 6:00 p.m., massachusetts has the strongest economy of any state in the country. governing magazine looked at things like unemployment rates and job growth, i bet you didn't know there was a governing magazine, did you, ock? >> elizabeth: they do have one. they found the bay state came in first. oregon, delaware, colorado rounded out the top five. due in part to a boom in the health care and technology industries. fox 25 cares at td garden this afternoon, to help 4,000 students from the boston area get ready for the first day of class. >> mark: vanessa welch, kerry kavanaugh, tom leyden, as well as bruins player brad marchand joined me as we helped out at the back to school celebration, in addition to activities