visit are most of your guests wine connoisseurs earth do they tend to be more like ni hao movie. commission it's really quite mixed. here on the most we have a lot of guests who come for the wine and know a lot about it. so we asked what it was into but we also have a lot who are less familiar with it or this might be the 1st time they've got to know it more intensively. but in recent years we've noticed that a younger crowd is coming to the most. people between the ages of 25 and 35 like to come here to cycle. or do a climbing to or through the cow month so far. they've discovered the old cliche of the mosul as a place where you taste wine with an old event in or in a stuffy little room no longer applies. we caught up with the times and have great wines and great outdoor activities on offer. made stay that way. here's. how. i love long distance travel and that's exactly what's almost impossible because of the pandemic well anyway we would like to show you some really beautiful spots on this earth before the crisis our of your uncle is from argentina invited us and in our meet th