niamh, thank you. what i'm talking about, the spirit we need, is the big society spirit -- and here's why i think its time has come. all over the world, governments are wrestling with the same challenges. not just building prosperous, competitive economies, providing good public services and paying for pensions but creating strong societies, improving quality of life, ensuring that everyone feels they belong. the countries that succeed will be those that find new ways of doing things, new ways of harnessing the common good, better alternatives to the old- fashioned state and we're on the right side of that argument. here at home, at this year's election, the result may not have been clear-cut when it came to the political parties. but it was clear enough when it came to political ideas. the old way of doing things, the high-spending, all- controlling, heavy-handed state, those ideas were defeated. statism lost. society won. that's what happened at the last election and that's the change we're leading.