nicety wright said all studies saying that that people with because it's like elevated when they catch the virus and was shocked and those who got normal guys concentrations and you're quite correct we do know that you can take your recent onset diabetics and in 7 days you can normalize their glucose control i'm not saying they've reduced their diabetes but you're because control can be normalized in 7 days that it's a not too seriously diabetic and it said recent onset which tells me that the vast majority of people don't yet have diabetes but they have an abnormal glucose response to a couple hydrates so it just takes you 7 days of eating 25 grams of carbohydrates and that's all you have to do and you can start normalizing your guys control and if the virus hits you off to 7 days you're defending me in better shape and at much less risk and that's a much more of a factor that has it to do rather than you know talking about what the government is doing or not doing that doesn't mean that we should not keep an eye on what their game but i think people sometimes. 'd fail to recognize th