joining us live now to talk about it northeastern university political science associate professor nicholas beacham professor beacham. thanks for joining us. thanks for having me. so your research focuses on the question. can we predict covid cases using amazon reviews of scented yankee candles? what was the origin of that? so i think it began as an internet meme where people would post humorous reviews of these central candles complaining about a lack of smell and would say well covid cases are rising. we think that you know, these are due to people having a nosmi or a lack of smell and blaming their candles. so, you know, i see this tweet, i think oh, i wonder whether this is real or whether it's just, you know, cherry pickings and funny reviews. they collect a bunch of reviews and i do a little plot and find that new indeed the percentage of reviews that complain about lack of smell or lack of sense seems to be going up right when covid seems to be going up. yeah. here's the graph. so walk us through this. what are we looking at? is this daily weekly and what is this show and what does the red m