nicholas gregoratos. ok, we will call him later. mary campbell? >> good afternoon. i am mary campbell. i have served two years on the reentry council and i would be honored to serve another two years. and my qualifications are, yes, i was in prison. but also, the importance of my being on the council is i have a lot of experience, unfortunately, and domestic violence and women's issues. and mothers being incarcerated issues. that is important, because of women in prison, most of the offenses are related to trauma, domestic violence. i would say as high as 80%, but i did not know it if that is the exact statistics. it is support for women to have a voice to war victims of domestic violence, and i would be honored to serve and. supervisor kim: thank you, ms. campbell. next, we have kimberly courtney. and then that we have kevin joseph. -- and then we have kevin joseph. >> hi, my name is kimberly courtney. i qualify, doing some county time in at san francisco, san mateo, not multiple terms, but upon my release from custody, but i immediately put myself into a rehabilit