seat three nicholas kimura. seat four lauren kahn. seat five leslie bilbro and seat six traci watson. okay. >> hold on. >> all right. i will second that motion. >> okay. >> and do we need a roll call vote? >> no. >> without objection. >> [inaudible] [off mic] the majority of people, the appointees we agree on and everyone is highly qualified. >> great. so we will do that without objection then. [gavel] thank you very much for bearing with us through that. all right mr. clerk are there any other items before us today. >> there is no more business before the committee madam chair. >> thank you very much and i want to thank mr. clerk and supervisor cohen's service on the rules committee as well. the meeting is adjourned. [gavel] so, same time next week? well, of course. listen, your story line, it makes for incredible tv drama. thing is, your drug use is too adult for the kids, so i'm going to have to block you. oh, man. yeah. [inhales] well, have a good one. you're a nice lady. >> good afternoon. welcome to the vision zero committee of