now it's nicholas moduro. they have squandered the nation's richest. third, the country is being run by corrupt individuals. just last week a report came out again that the speaker of the national assembly is himself a drug kingpin. and fourth, even with all the oil wealth that venezuela has squandered it still possesses some of the largest oil reserves on the planet, but oil prices are dropping, and in a country like venezuela where innovation and entrepreneurship are stifled, where wealth and power are concentrated in the government and its cronies the entire economy is the oil industry. 96% of venezuela's export revenues come from oil. so in december, i'm proud that the u.s. senate and the house passed and the president signed a bill that sanctions human rights violators in venezuela. it mandates that their assets be frozen and visa restrictions be placed upon them if they are involved in human rights violations and that's going to be critical moving forward because as things get worse in venezuela, more people will take to the streets and the natio