sylvia hurtado, nicholas nunez., and anne-marie why don't we start at this end of the panel and havenne-marie go first? >> my paper is co-authored by someone who could not be here today. we focused on how the shortcomings of a post-secondary system could lead to hispanic-serving institutions. research indicates there are well documented offenses in student institutional hsi'steristics between non-hsi's, so our analysis at the beginning of this paper, in the previous session, we talked about the possibility of adjusting for some of the student and institutional characteristics, and so, in fact, at the beginning of our paper, we find that when we account for student characteristics, financial resources of institutions, policies and institutions that might influence completion, whether or not it institution has an open admissions policy, that the gaps in graduation rates, and so the most commonly used measure being discussed right now to measure institutional performance, the six-your graduation rates, that the gap in graduation rates between hispanic-serving institutions and non-hispan