nichole and jason's younger children. she says remington and jackson, now 11 and 14, are both thriving. back in quitman, the payneeen virtually frozen in time since that dark december day back in 2007. after the deaths, it was abandoned. the christmas tree still stands today in the living room. nichole's prized garden, just weeds. but her mom tried to hold on to one piece of her daughter's memory. right after nichole's death, she took some rose clippings from her garden. >> she said that this rosebush represented life, hope and beauty. i took seven cuttings off of it. and i took them home. and, one by one, they all died. >> reporter: but, in what she considers a gift from god, one bush unexpectedly came back and lived. >> and now, i have this big, giant rosebush in my yard. it's huge. it's covered in blooms. >> do you think of nichole every time you see it? >> absolutely. it's just amazing, that one cutting, it survived. >> it should be called the nichole rose. [ laughs ] >> that's right. maybe, so, we can rename it. yeah. it was a miracle. >> and that's all for this edition of "dateline." we'll see you again sun