bob lutz and nick bilton are still us with. bob, i want to ask you on the drone front. number of changes have come out allowing regulation and how much of that is actually going to be enforced precision hawk and air map among the drone companies that tl. wh there what do you think needs to happen laying the groundwork for this form of transportation? what can the trump administration do? >> i think there's got to be federal guidelines on what altitudes these vehicles operate at, whether they're passenger carrying or freight carrying but the legislation has to be such that more efficient form of transportation and that's where i always say the third dimension is the untapped variable in modernizing the nation's surface transportation system. it's got to be highly efficient. it's got to be affordable and at the same time they need to pass the regulations that ensure public safety. you can't leave that to the states that's gotting to federal just like all federal aviation regulations are. >> and, nick, i know that drones and 5-g are on the agenda for the administration. th