more of an narrative form especially the testimony of the main player in the case is a guy named nick calabresiho is the first member of the mob to testify against the organization and he testified several days in chicago and poured out tons and tons of interesting information and wonderful stories and anecdote after anecdote so the biggest challenge for me was to keep the chronology of the case but not have the reader gets to make calabresi in chapter nine and tens of the early part of the book i am pulling a lot of the material for work to create a flow. >> jason, for you in my history in chicago instead of looking for books to write i always roundup to give myself in the head when eric since copies i love karen of sin in the second city and i think to myself with this book it was another kick in the head. why didn't i know this? why didn't i know this story? why didn't i know this story, jason? >> because he was good at what he did, he kept quiet many years. the crimes he was committing. i think he didn't want you to know it so that is why. >> but even after the fact of all of that stuff why