>> trevor: please welcome nick canon! and applause) >> trevor: oh, thank you so much for coming! >> thank you for having me! >> trevor: i feel like every time i see you, someone is doing something amazing and then people are crying afterwards. >> that's just a day in my life. >> trevor: every time i see you, something crazy is happening and you cry. do you cry on that show? >> i do cry. i shed a tear every once in a while. >> trevor: is it real tears or tv cry like somebody's paying me to cry? >> i can't give you all the secrets, man! (laughter) no, honestly, because they're true american stories and when you see an everyday american strive for their dreams, it's touching, man. it's emotional. some of them are crazy, too. you mix emotion with crazy and sometimes it's tears of craziness. but it works out because i think everyone loves a family show. >> trevor: it's a huge show. we watch it in south africa as well. if you were to go on one of those shows, what would your talent be? >> oh, that's a tough one. >> trevor: toug