for example, nick castner is funded by doe and in kind, their budget but it gets paid for through in kind. >> actually what would be helpful is if everyone can cancel their request so i know when there's a new request. commissioner wynns, i do want to move on to public comment. >> i really appreciate this discussion and i think that's the kind of discussions we have to have as we go along. i think there are two questions here that are being discussed rtion both of them very important. one is what's new spending and the second one is what's in kind, right, and so process gets going and the community engagement. so thanks very much. >> thank you. >> hi, my name is todd david, i am the alvarado pta advocacy chair and i'm happy to be able to represent both groups here today. i think one of the things that commissioner wynns always reminds me that is left out of this conversation i think is so important and i hope that she will correct my numbers if i get these wrong, but over the last 10 years the san francisco unified's actual budget has slung by 20 percent. it's gone from $500 million