. >> rose: we continue with eric liu and nick hanauer, their book is called the garden of democracy, a new american story of citizenship, the economy, and the role of government. >> americans rightly refer by two to one margin prosperity over fairness. but it turns out that the problem with inequality isn't that it is mean, although it is, the problem with inequality is that it destroys growth, because if the average person doesn't have any money to spend anymore, the virtuous cycle of increasing sales and hiring and prosperity dies and you end up in this death spiral of decreasing consumption that characterizes our economy today. >> rose: we conclude this evening with irshad manji, three is the author of allah, liberty and love, the courage to reconcile faith and freedom. >> the fact of the matter is that over the last 50, 75 years, more muslims have been tortured and murdered by fellow muslims than by any foreign power. and moderate muslims deny this fact. >> rose: rupert murdoch, the gardens of democracy, and irshad manji, when we continue. funding for charlie rose was provided by