knox in italy. after a long summer recess, a judge is once again hearing the appeal of her conviction for murdering her roommate. but the victim's family is also speaking out. and abc's nick watt has the very latest. >> reporter: good morning, josh. amanda knox is back for court for the final phase for her appeal against a 26-year jail term. knox arrived at court this morning looking anxious and drawn. first up, cross-examination of court-appointed dna experts and their testimony could prove pivotal. original trial heard that the victim's dna was found on a knife's blade and knox's dna on the handle. but the experts this morning, during this appeal, have thrashed that as totally unreliable. >> i would like to seeee this thing done and over with. >> reporter: knox and her then-boyfriend raf yael sollecito were all convicted of her roommate's murder. the defense, seems to be focusing on these dna aspects. we have been left seriously anxious and greatly troubled by the news regarding the original dna findings. >> in her letter she stated it was collected appropriately, perhaps they should go and review the crime scene videos, because clearly it was not. >> reporter: a verdic