which means this is a job for nick kwak.ckjust got there first. what's your tipple, your brew of choice? your poison? if you are like me, anything wet is usually the answer. hello, sir! i'd like a beer please. today i am tasting three beers each with their own unique flavour profiles as part of a beer recommendation system by silicon valley based aromyx. when i am drinking the beer the tablet and camera is analysing my facial expression, so it is looking if i am having a good time drinking it or if i am hating the beer. then it has an ai algorithm on the backend which comes up with my own personalised recommendation. cheers! did you get that? to be fair i have had a couple. the system cleverly recommends beers you may have never tried before based on your video response, just on these three very different ones. to be able to do it, the company took loads of different beers, in this case around 40, and tested them on human nose and mouth cells in their lab in an attempt to digitise taste. we expose them to the product sample