talks to nick leeson of the rogue trader who caused the collapse of barings bank to get some insight on how the banking industry operates. the sun rises over what seems like and lowest forest but here in new directions crime hundred kilometers north of light of all stalk as in much of the world it's disappearing at a county structure a great. markers both illegal and those finding ways to outsmart the system for filing down the forests of the region for them profit goes well beyond the future of our planet and the result could be an ecological crisis we are on the hunt for illegal loggers and it's not going to be easy the forests or nets in our chances are slim now for now we can stay in our dreams but as soon as we find solid tracks we'll have to drop our wheels and get out silently in order not to scare the loggers off alexander someone in ca has been a ranger for over twenty five years he can spend weeks at a time tracking a single group of loggers easier to work when snow falls in autumn it's impossible to find human tracks and even transport tracks are hard to see after hours of