as much as i respect you and your nic nick nolte mug shot sh, name one way fantasy sports is like walltreet. >> inside trading by fantasy sports web sites. an imply employee of draft kings allegedly used inside information to win $350,000 on a rival site. >> trevor: that might be akin to insider trading. insiding trading! yeah, that's similar to wall street but i'm not convinced. >> users using sophisticated algorithms to gain advantage in competitive play. >> certain computer algorithms are set up which allow say a player who is out but the majority of public don't know it but i do, maybe on 30 different fantasy lines that have the player get pulled, so i have the advantage to win. >> trevor: fine, insider trading and high frequency trading algorithms, those are two. but this is three strikes. if you can talk about trading in the same way i might be persuade. >> n.f.l. fantasy live -- looking to buy low or sell high? >> antonio gates, first guy to come to mind, selling high. >> buying low, sell high. fantasy stock market. and your fantasy football, a hot commodity. >> we provide big f