nick ricci from connecticut. my question is for stock in the metal. why are laws so and pier?yer tell you one thing and one tell you something else. >> laws should be as clear and simple as they possibly can be. if we stuck to a simple rules and abided by the constitution as well, which is very long even though it is such a great document, we would have a much more free society. john: yes, sir. >> this is for norman. earlier we talked about hillary clinton getting a child rapist acquitted. couldn't she have -- for any defense lawyer -- look at the evidence and say, this guy is guilty. i will not defend him. instead they choose to get this person off on a technicality, and a rapist is free. >> well, i don't know what the facts of that case work, the what i know is this, every person when they are confronted with the full force of the government are entitled to have somebody stand up for them and make sure that if the evidence is there and it is legal that that is what is required in order to convict somebody. is there anybody here who has not done something wrong in their life?