nicholas or nick roman york heads the operation the 35 year old plots the ship's course other volunteers assist by checking news and weather reports and tracking other ships next number one priority to save as many lives as possible. i. perceive it self give yourself the go for a potential bugs in the stress in the area all over it all right all of you are really gracious all waiting for the stress loads from the oil of the authorities. all from. the. refugee boats rarely show up on the ship's radar because they're too small. so the crew keep a lookout scanning the horizon. often traffickers deliberately misinform refugees what we've heard over the years is that. the instructions that people are given on the boats is to is to proceed north from the coast you can see the oil platforms that they have the flares burning off the excess gas so those flares are visible from the from the from the land and so you can see the haze and the sad thing about it is they actually tell people that that is italy so they say within a couple of hours you'll be you'll be arriving in italy the reality is it'