. >> bella check and nick sabin yesterdayéf, belichick said i'm friends with trump and i don't ÖrÑ nobodyoes tommy and you know what tom brady said yesterday he has learned not to talk politics.]hx gdp]1ñsaid you know what enough no more talking about it. >> it çmkis a funny deal and i always joke about this, two leave the room bring up religion and bring up politics. >> and you don't want to talk about it. >> and not for any reason except how you feel is how you feel. i'm not going to convince you on something like that. >> here is the thing, look at for example, very high price of÷ system is broken and says i didn't vote because i didn't care who won they were both bad and i was kind of, i was surprised about one. >> again i will go back to if you want to knock the system that is your right as an american and when you don't both,koñr pghi think i would ha out into myself. >> andvom here is d what i love raiders quarterback derek carr j sounded like a politician in a good way. >> it's like a team. ñand some that you don't and sometimes there will be [ inaudible ]. all i know is if you wa