with nick schifrin who visited the scene shortly after the battle. nick schifrin was the first western reporter to adrive in abbottabad pakistan and delivered exclusive video, images inside the compound hours after bin laden was killed. at the time nick was abc news correspondent in the region and now a "newshour" special correspondent and joins me in the studio. what did he r we see in that did video? >> we saw how the world's most wanted man lived and died. in terms of how he lived, we see a bedroom, a large bed bigger than anywhere else in the house. we saw the medications he was on -- simple medications available at the local pharmacy. we saw a pantry where there was a week's worth of food stored up. we saw so many signs of children. there was a red wagon outside in the backyard, there were 12 kids living there, half were bin laden's. we also saw a satellite dish outside, a one-way communication device. he us to watch tv on the dish but never used it to communicate with the outside world. we saw how he died, the pools of blood in his room, the ro