my name is nick thompson, and i'm senior vice president for vegas with affairs for unitedhealth group. i have here with me commissioner ted nickel. ted nickel was appointed the commissioner of insurance for the state of wisconsin by governor scott walker on january 3, 2011. as commissioner, he currently serves and berries positions for the national association of insurance commissioners. he's the secretary treasure of the midwest zone, a member of the executive committee, he's just the contingent deferred annuities working group. he's chair of the mortgage guaranty insurance working group. he's chair of the health care reform regulatory alternative working group, and he is vice chair of the health insurance and managed care committee. and lastly, he is a member of the audit committee. commissioner nickel and i have been asked to talk a little bit today about market reform, regulatory roles and responsibilities. and we thought we would approach this from an informal manner. and at the end of our discussion, is there any questions from the audience, and we have time, we will be happy to