. >>> also tonight, nicklaus cantsen balk died.ame was never on a ballot, he had a towering influence on our times. he helped shape the political history of the 1960s. he was one of the best and brightest profiled in the famous book of the same name. he was attorney general under president johnson. he was bobby kennedy's deputy of the justice department before that. and his shining moment came when he confronted governor george wallace on the steps of the university of alabama on the issue of allowing black students to attend. >> with would ask you once again to responsibly step aside and if you do not, i'm going to assure you that the orders of those courts will be enforced. >> he was born to a prom independent family. he went to princeton and then dropped out to fight in world war ii. as a b-25 navigator, he was shot down, captured by the germans. spent two years as a p.o.w., came home, finished princeton and was a rhodes scholar. he fought segregation in mississippi, fought constantly with j. edgar hoover, and he later went on t