chief nickolson, thank you very much for your report. i basically don't have a question but wanted to make an emphasis. part of the docket package tonight in terms of chief vellos report, there's a section with wellness with chief parks and the physicians report and in there is a news letter by the physicians' office o and then i read thoroughly the memo from new vaccine and face-covering policies from the department and county of san francisco department of human resources and in your report, you answered my questions in a sense that wih this rise in terms of the delta, and in terms of what is going on, you addressed the questions that i had in terms of is there a mandate or not in terms of city employees concerning our fire department members, when it comes down to taking the vaccine and i also read the flyer that talked about individuals' choices of members on spiritual or religious or health requirements so i think you did answer my question in the sense of trying to move the department as quickly as possible to those members who are