Jul 6, 2022
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el cuerpo de don nicolÁs sea repatriado lo mÁs el cuerpo de don nicolÁs sea repatriado lo mÁs prontofecha en los estados unidos y no tenÍan fecha de regreso. >> no siento coraje >> no siento coraje contra Él. >> don nicolÁs no merecÍa morir asÍ. patricia: ahora hablamos de otra tragedia, son 20 los guatemaltecos que murieron en la tragedia de san antonio, texas donde mÁs de 50 migrantes fallecieron en en un trÁiler. >> un pedacito de mi corazÓn se fue. reportera: u hijas es algo de la muerte. ella quedÓ dentro de el trÁiler en texas y estÁ preocupada por sus compaÑeros y estÁ preocupada por sus compaÑeros de viaje. jennifer dijo que el trÁiler freno para traer mÁs migrantes. jennifer compartiÓ que el consejo de una amiga le salvÓ jennifer compartiÓ que el consejo de una amiga le salvÓ la vida. >> su amiga comentÓ que se pusieran la entrada comentÓ que se pusieran la entrada del trÁiler, ella asÍ se quedÓ, sintiÓ lo caliente y ya no y ya no recuerda nada. >> el abuelo de jennifer habÍa negociado con un coyote, no le dijeron que la iban a transportar en no le dijeron que la iban a tran
el cuerpo de don nicolÁs sea repatriado lo mÁs el cuerpo de don nicolÁs sea repatriado lo mÁs prontofecha en los estados unidos y no tenÍan fecha de regreso. >> no siento coraje >> no siento coraje contra Él. >> don nicolÁs no merecÍa morir asÍ. patricia: ahora hablamos de otra tragedia, son 20 los guatemaltecos que murieron en la tragedia de san antonio, texas donde mÁs de 50 migrantes fallecieron en en un trÁiler. >> un pedacito de mi corazÓn se fue....
Jul 6, 2022
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toledo llegarÁn el prÓximo sÁbado aquÍ a jojutla, en morelos, porqu aquÍ nicolÁs naciÓ y criÓ a sus media asta en l casa blanca, el presidente biden dijo que esto fue sin sentido, es que, este no es el Único incidente con armas de fuego, 16 tiroteos masivos enlutaron celebraciones por el 4 de juli tal como nos cuenta javier veg >> caos y violencia de lo qu debiÓ ser un fin de semana de celebraciÓ (sonido ambiente decenas de personas corrÍan por sus vidas tras escucha detonaciones en filadelfia disparos alcanzaron a do policÍas, en texas, tres uniformados resultaron heridos y dos personas resultaron heridos en (nombre en inglÉs) . >> eso refleja a nuestra comunidades porque si faltan e respeto a un policÍa, imagÍnate con una persona ordinaria la call >> la epidemia de violencia no distingue objetivos, incluso a los niÑos como en indianÁpoli donde dos niÑos y un hombr fueron baleados >> (hablan en inglÉs) un ataque injustificado, dijo la policÍa, en arizona dos muerto en una reuniÓn familiar, en nueva york tambiÉn hubo tiroteos que cobraron la vida de tres personas, en resumen: (cifra
toledo llegarÁn el prÓximo sÁbado aquÍ a jojutla, en morelos, porqu aquÍ nicolÁs naciÓ y criÓ a sus media asta en l casa blanca, el presidente biden dijo que esto fue sin sentido, es que, este no es el Único incidente con armas de fuego, 16 tiroteos masivos enlutaron celebraciones por el 4 de juli tal como nos cuenta javier veg >> caos y violencia de lo qu debiÓ ser un fin de semana de celebraciÓ (sonido ambiente decenas de personas corrÍan por sus vidas tras escucha...
Jul 25, 2022
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reyes: nicolÁs sostiene que forjÓ una relaciÓn de hermanos con usma.sted se fuera a montar dentro del aviÓn real. ¿a donde se van a sentar? ¿dÓnde van a meter la grabadora? se ponÍa gente adelante en sillas para que hablaran. reyes: usma le relatÓ el pretexto que usÓ para abandonar el aviÓn. escobar: que acababa de llegar un mensaje a su bÍper y que le habÍan dado la orden de que se bajara. reyes: el suizo cumpliÓ con las instrucciones. escobar: cuando llevaban muy pocos minutos de vuelo accionÓ la supuesta grabadora y la bomba explotÓ. ahÍ muriÓ tambiÉn el suizo. reyes: usma celebrÓ la noticia junto a otros escoltas de la familia escobar, segÚn lo recuerda el portero de la casa. >> sÍ, todos celebraban. ellos allÍ y ellos allÁ en su reuniÓn, celebrando y todo. reyes: ¿y como una persona que usted describe como instruida, educada, se puede prestar para una cosa tan terrible como derribar un aviÓn lleno de pasajeros? escobar: en ese momento tenÍa mÁs capacidad de daÑar la mente, el dinero que se ofrecÍa para que la gente hiciera las cosas. reyes: usma l
reyes: nicolÁs sostiene que forjÓ una relaciÓn de hermanos con usma.sted se fuera a montar dentro del aviÓn real. ¿a donde se van a sentar? ¿dÓnde van a meter la grabadora? se ponÍa gente adelante en sillas para que hablaran. reyes: usma le relatÓ el pretexto que usÓ para abandonar el aviÓn. escobar: que acababa de llegar un mensaje a su bÍper y que le habÍan dado la orden de que se bajara. reyes: el suizo cumpliÓ con las instrucciones. escobar: cuando llevaban muy pocos minutos...
Jul 5, 2022
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no sÓlo fue nicolÁs, como familia estamos destrozados. nicolÁs es nuestro Ángel guardiÁn.es de esta tragedia y asÍ describen lo ocurrido. >> a Él impacto en su pecho, en su piel y en su cabeza. cuando Él lo abrazo vimos que cayÓ hacia el suelo. el consulado de ese paÍs estÁ prestando asistencia a los familiares. >> Él logrÓ esconder a sus dos pequeÑos hijos. >> no fue agradable, fue algo muy espantoso tener que esconderlos en un bote de basura para despuÉs regresar. hay que explicarle a nuestros hijos lo que vivieron y gracias a dios que pude poner a mi familia a salvo. al regresar fue una escena donde habÍa gente baleada en el suelo y ver a un niÑo ser cargado por un policÍa herido fue algo espantoso. fÉlix: hay vÍdeos grabados por personas que querÍan guardar un recuerdo familiar y terminaron haciendo un recuento de la masacre. >> este es el momento en que comenzÓ la balacera en illinois. al fondo se escuchan los primeros disparos. el pÁnico de decenas de personas que presenciaban el desfile. este otro vÍdeo, son parte del testimonio visual que circula en las redes socia
no sÓlo fue nicolÁs, como familia estamos destrozados. nicolÁs es nuestro Ángel guardiÁn.es de esta tragedia y asÍ describen lo ocurrido. >> a Él impacto en su pecho, en su piel y en su cabeza. cuando Él lo abrazo vimos que cayÓ hacia el suelo. el consulado de ese paÍs estÁ prestando asistencia a los familiares. >> Él logrÓ esconder a sus dos pequeÑos hijos. >> no fue agradable, fue algo muy espantoso tener que esconderlos en un bote de basura para despuÉs...
Jul 5, 2022
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no solamente fue nicolÁs un hombre amoroso, creativo, aventurero y divertido. demÁs familias que tambiÉn perdieron a un ser querido el dÍa de hoy y nicolÁs que es nuestro Ángel guardiÁn. entrevistamosa uno de los familiares de esta tragedia y asÍ describe lo ocurrido en este trÁgico desfile el dÍa de hoy. >> abuelito de mi esposo, como lo hirieron con tres heridas de bala, a Él le impactÓ en su pecho, en su pie y en su cabeza. todavÍa uno de sus hijos estaba detrÁs de Él y quiso protegerlo, pero cuando Él lo abrazÓ, sÓlo fue cuando vimos que Él cayÓ al suelo. viviana: dos de los heridos son de nacionalidad mexicana y el consulado de ese paÍs estÁ prestando asistencia a los familiares y a las vÍctimas impactadas por esta tragedia. fÉlix: muchas gracias, viviana. hoy elian sydal hablÓ con alexander sandoval, uno de los sobrevivientes del tiroteo. logrÓ esconder a sus dos pequeÑos hijos en un contenedor de basura mientras buscaba a otros parientes para ponerlos a salvo. esto fue lo que nos contÓ en esta conmovedora entrevista. >> algo muy espantoso el hecho de ten
no solamente fue nicolÁs un hombre amoroso, creativo, aventurero y divertido. demÁs familias que tambiÉn perdieron a un ser querido el dÍa de hoy y nicolÁs que es nuestro Ángel guardiÁn. entrevistamosa uno de los familiares de esta tragedia y asÍ describe lo ocurrido en este trÁgico desfile el dÍa de hoy. >> abuelito de mi esposo, como lo hirieron con tres heridas de bala, a Él le impactÓ en su pecho, en su pie y en su cabeza. todavÍa uno de sus hijos estaba detrÁs de Él y...
Jul 6, 2022
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highland park, chicago, illinois, su hijo fue separado de ellos, y una mujer lo llevó a su casa, nicolásiete minutos fue alcanzado por las balas recibió un disparo en su espalda, le salió por aquí, el otro tiro fue en su cabeza. >> Ángel toledo, uno de los hijos del señor nicolás, cuenta que su hermano, que estaba en el lugar trato de protegerlo, pero fue en vano porque también resultó herido lo abrazó para acostarlo. >> otros miembros recibieron lesiones menores de bala >> mi hijo fue uno de los heridos, mi tío lo quiso abrazar por el peligro pero fue imposible (información en pantalla) jacki sundheim fue una de las personas asesinadas, el sindicato de maestros dijo que zoe y su esposo estaban en el tiroteo, en el hospital de highland park, chicago, illinois, dijeron que 25 pacientes tuvieron heridas de bala, 19 fueron dados de alta hasta cinco de las víctimas son niños. >> las personas han llegado con flores como muestra de solidaridad y con mensajes emotivos y donde piden un alto a las armas esté pidiendo un cambio, no necesitamos tener estas pistolas en este mundo, no quiero vivir el
highland park, chicago, illinois, su hijo fue separado de ellos, y una mujer lo llevó a su casa, nicolásiete minutos fue alcanzado por las balas recibió un disparo en su espalda, le salió por aquí, el otro tiro fue en su cabeza. >> Ángel toledo, uno de los hijos del señor nicolás, cuenta que su hermano, que estaba en el lugar trato de protegerlo, pero fue en vano porque también resultó herido lo abrazó para acostarlo. >> otros miembros recibieron lesiones menores de bala...
Jul 9, 2022
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uno de ellos fue el de nicolÁs toledo, cuyos restos serÁn repatriados a mÉxico.ios de dos de los hijos de toledo. reportero: hoy familiares y amigos del seÑor nicolÁs toledo, una de las siete vÍctimas del tiroteo masivo en highland park, le dan el Último adiÓs. >> es algo que a todos nos duele. reportero: sus restos serÁn repatriados a su natal nexpa, mÉxico. allÁ, mÁs familiares esperan la oportunidad de despedirlo. >> tenemos mucha familia allÁ que lo quieren ver. reportero: el seÑor toledo solo querÍa disfrutar del desfile del 4 de julio en highland park, pero fue una de las vÍctimas de esta lluvia de disparos que dejÓ este tiroteo masivo. para sus hijos solo quedan recuerdos. >> siempre con nosotros y siempre era feliz y nos daba consejos. hasta nos querÍa enseÑar cosas. reportero: ademÁs del seÑor toledo, hoy tambiÉn fueron los servicios funerarios de dos personas mÁs, y decenas de heridos continÚan hospitalizados, y uno en condiciÓn crÍtica. el menor de 8 aÑos permanece conectado a un ventilador debido a un disparo en el pecho que afectÓ su espina dorsal. l
uno de ellos fue el de nicolÁs toledo, cuyos restos serÁn repatriados a mÉxico.ios de dos de los hijos de toledo. reportero: hoy familiares y amigos del seÑor nicolÁs toledo, una de las siete vÍctimas del tiroteo masivo en highland park, le dan el Último adiÓs. >> es algo que a todos nos duele. reportero: sus restos serÁn repatriados a su natal nexpa, mÉxico. allÁ, mÁs familiares esperan la oportunidad de despedirlo. >> tenemos mucha familia allÁ que lo quieren ver....
Jul 30, 2022
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from the group and it is the basic, very basic conservative position and this is topical because nicolaendence referendum next october and she's going to the supreme court to find out if they can legislate laterally and is widely believed that the relevant powers of the constitutional right westminster and it meets the agreement of a prime minister and nicola sturgeon road to borisjohnson in agreement at the same time she submitted her paper to the supreme court, borisjohnson pretty much, his last act as prime minister and his cabinet minister was resigning, backing nicola sturgeon in saying no, no way. and liz truss is very much continuing in that vein. figs liz truss is very much continuing in that vein. �* , ., 1, , that vein. as he mentioned, boris johnson that vein. as he mentioned, boris johnson against — that vein. as he mentioned, boris johnson against rishi _ that vein. as he mentioned, boris johnson against rishi sunak, - that vein. as he mentioned, boris i johnson against rishi sunak, against johnson against rishi sunak, against liz truss, against long—established opposition b
from the group and it is the basic, very basic conservative position and this is topical because nicolaendence referendum next october and she's going to the supreme court to find out if they can legislate laterally and is widely believed that the relevant powers of the constitutional right westminster and it meets the agreement of a prime minister and nicola sturgeon road to borisjohnson in agreement at the same time she submitted her paper to the supreme court, borisjohnson pretty much, his...
Jul 4, 2022
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i would like to greet the government of the russian federation putin on behalf of our president nicolásdura. let's sergey viktorovich lavrova today we discussed a number of topics, and many of them have already been mentioned. i will not repeat this, but we discussed a variety of areas of cooperation that we have been working on for quite a long time, as well as new areas in order to diversify as much as possible the extensive cooperation that already exists between our countries. i think that this will help the further development of such areas as transport. for us. this is a very important area. i am i spoke in particular about railway transport , air traffic, civil air traffic, where we are actively establishing cooperation and, last year, there is air traffic between our countries. yes, using convasa aircraft, and we are currently flying once every 2 weeks and are working on moving these flights to a weekly basis, also, uh. i would like to note that we have discussed a number of issues regarding a special military operation on our part by our government. we expressed our support fro
i would like to greet the government of the russian federation putin on behalf of our president nicolásdura. let's sergey viktorovich lavrova today we discussed a number of topics, and many of them have already been mentioned. i will not repeat this, but we discussed a variety of areas of cooperation that we have been working on for quite a long time, as well as new areas in order to diversify as much as possible the extensive cooperation that already exists between our countries. i think that...
Jul 6, 2022
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peggy: otra familia devastada es la del fallecido nicolÁs tolledo de 78 aÑos. >> un balazo en la cabeza una de sus nietos describe una cena de horror difÍcil de superar. >> mis primos que estaban allÍ, mis primas estaban asustados, ellos vieron los hechos de mi abuelo cuando cayÓ y su cabeza laboraron los sesos y la sangre, fue algo muy duro. estaba atrÁs cuando estaba al lado de mi abuelo, pasÓ y le dio, Él se volteÓ y le dio la espalda, parece que tiene la bala dentro. peggy: un gran golpe para quienes lo use un auto tenerse junto a los mÁs pequeÑos. >> estamos destrozados pero tratamos de ser fuerte para mi mamÁ y recordar los buenos momentos que hemos tenido. peggy: la esposa y nieto de eduardo ubaldo tambiÉn resultaron heridos, fueron baleados pero fueron dados de alta, de hecho, el niÑo recibe un impacto de bala en su brazo los mÉdicos decidieron no quitarle la bala porque podrÍa sufrir mÁs daÑos como por otra parte tambiÉn nicolÁs toledo fue escrito como un hombre muy generoso que se daba a su familia en mÉxico. vilma: publicÓ animaciones violentas donde aparece un pistolero imit
peggy: otra familia devastada es la del fallecido nicolÁs tolledo de 78 aÑos. >> un balazo en la cabeza una de sus nietos describe una cena de horror difÍcil de superar. >> mis primos que estaban allÍ, mis primas estaban asustados, ellos vieron los hechos de mi abuelo cuando cayÓ y su cabeza laboraron los sesos y la sangre, fue algo muy duro. estaba atrÁs cuando estaba al lado de mi abuelo, pasÓ y le dio, Él se volteÓ y le dio la espalda, parece que tiene la bala dentro....
Jul 6, 2022
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scotland's first minister, nicola sturgeon, she was on _ first minister, nicola sturgeon, she was ons probably quite an obvious question— how much longer can this _ obvious question— how much longer can this go — obvious question— how much longer can this go on for? she said that if johnson _ can this go on for? she said that if johnson has — can this go on for? she said that if johnson has the merest scrap of concern — johnson has the merest scrap of concern for— johnson has the merest scrap of concern for anyone but himself, he must _ concern for anyone but himself, he must resign— concern for anyone but himself, he must resign immediately. now, nicola sturgeon _ must resign immediately. now, nicola sturgeon and boris johnson must resign immediately. now, nicola sturgeon and borisjohnson have long butted _ sturgeon and borisjohnson have long butted heads over the independence issue _ butted heads over the independence issue. borisjohnson has said many times— issue. borisjohnson has said many times that — issue. borisjohnson has said many times that he will not give the scottish— ti
scotland's first minister, nicola sturgeon, she was on _ first minister, nicola sturgeon, she was ons probably quite an obvious question— how much longer can this _ obvious question— how much longer can this go — obvious question— how much longer can this go on for? she said that if johnson _ can this go on for? she said that if johnson has — can this go on for? she said that if johnson has the merest scrap of concern — johnson has the merest scrap of concern for— johnson has the...
Jul 7, 2022
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. >> es la segunda muerte confirmada de un mexicano junto con la de nicolÁs de 78 aÑos de edad. >> abuenos samaritano se y hoy estÁn junto a sus abuelos, la recaudaciÓn de fondos ha superado los 2 millones de dÓlares y estÁ secundaria sigue llegando sobrevivientes de la masacre, fue dada de alta a pesar de tener a una incrustada en una bala de su cuerpo. aÚn tengo la bala allÍ. >> grupo de personas que estaban junto a robledo, por quien hoy dicen que estaba aquÍ. >> estÁ secundaria continuarÁ siendo el refugio en que las personas puedan buscar asesorÍa psicolÓgica. >> vivian Ávila, univisiÓn. >> pudo haberse producido otro tiroteo mÚltiple, pero fue frustrado por la policÍa. las autoridades dicen que un hispano planeaba realizar una matanza en virginia, pedro estÁ en directo con los detalles de este caso, cuÉntanos cÓmo pasÓ y cÓmo las autoridades descubrieron. originario de guatemala, inmigrante documentado, fue detenido el 1 de julio y al parecer las autoridades a que otra persona aseguraron escuchar dÓnde otro sospechoso estarÍan hablando de crear una balacera masiva de un evento
. >> es la segunda muerte confirmada de un mexicano junto con la de nicolÁs de 78 aÑos de edad. >> abuenos samaritano se y hoy estÁn junto a sus abuelos, la recaudaciÓn de fondos ha superado los 2 millones de dÓlares y estÁ secundaria sigue llegando sobrevivientes de la masacre, fue dada de alta a pesar de tener a una incrustada en una bala de su cuerpo. aÚn tengo la bala allÍ. >> grupo de personas que estaban junto a robledo, por quien hoy dicen que estaba aquÍ....
Jul 29, 2022
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i spoke with the ceo, nicolas hieronimus, on the results.olas: after two years of the pandemic, consumers want to indulge with high-quality products and these affordable pleasure products that were important across all price points and people want high-quality. that is why the market is stabilizing, and luxury provides these high-quality products at a high price, but if i look again at our other divisions, whether mass-market, great tech, or brands with lo roche with extra effective sun filters, in all instances, people are actually, even when they are counting their dollars, they want to buy the best quality. in this quest for the best quality is what drives the royal performance. anna: if consumers are pre-minimizing do you not see them trading down to cheaper options? nicolas: absolutely not. we are aware of the uncertainties ahead and preparing for everything. that is why it is a great thing for us to be a pure player and have a price piano, if i may use that term, that three dollars to $300, and everybody, but really, today, we do not s
i spoke with the ceo, nicolas hieronimus, on the results.olas: after two years of the pandemic, consumers want to indulge with high-quality products and these affordable pleasure products that were important across all price points and people want high-quality. that is why the market is stabilizing, and luxury provides these high-quality products at a high price, but if i look again at our other divisions, whether mass-market, great tech, or brands with lo roche with extra effective sun...
Jul 7, 2022
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the first minister nicola sturgeon has spoken.an end but did not expect policy to change. is that a fair summary? it expect policy to change. is that a fair summary? it is fair to sa it is that a fair summary? it is fair to say it is _ is that a fair summary? it is fair to say it is no — is that a fair summary? it is fair to say it is no secret _ is that a fair summary? it is fair to say it is no secret boris - is that a fair summary? it is fair. to say it is no secret boris johnson to say it is no secret borisjohnson has never been as popular in scotland as in other parts of the country. when nicola sturgeon said she thought there would be widespread relief he would go, perhaps she was reflecting what will be a common, not universal, view in scotland. but she did also say that she thought it would be an untenable proposition, the words she used, for borisjohnson to continue as caretaker prime minister for any extended period because that would mean what she called the complete farce of the last couple of days might continue. what
the first minister nicola sturgeon has spoken.an end but did not expect policy to change. is that a fair summary? it expect policy to change. is that a fair summary? it is fair to sa it is that a fair summary? it is fair to say it is _ is that a fair summary? it is fair to say it is no — is that a fair summary? it is fair to say it is no secret _ is that a fair summary? it is fair to say it is no secret boris - is that a fair summary? it is fair. to say it is no secret boris johnson to say it...
Jul 30, 2022
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nicola sturgeon, the scottish first minister, leader of the snp, has said she wants to hold independentto the supreme court to see, or get a ruling to see, if holly brewed has the power to call it unilaterally —— if holly brewed —— if holyrood have. if... this is liz truss, herfirst being intervention on the union. it is curious timing. she has focused so far largely on the court tory membership, which is not in scotland, frankly, for population regions as well as demographic reasons, you might say, but it is interesting, coming out quite so strongly, not on my watch, not at all, the question starting to be asked is, there is reasonably widespread acceptance in scotland that most people do not want to referendum right now, or even on the nicola sturgeon�*s timetable, but there is an acceptance if the s&p keep winning elections, the question is, beyond this, what might be the route —— if the snp? is there one, or is it at the whim of the uk government of the time? and ethic it is interesting that liz truss, in her big first intervention, is not addressing any policy questions about what
nicola sturgeon, the scottish first minister, leader of the snp, has said she wants to hold independentto the supreme court to see, or get a ruling to see, if holly brewed has the power to call it unilaterally —— if holly brewed —— if holyrood have. if... this is liz truss, herfirst being intervention on the union. it is curious timing. she has focused so far largely on the court tory membership, which is not in scotland, frankly, for population regions as well as demographic reasons,...
Jul 11, 2022
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hay tristeza pero rencor a ellos no hay >>> llegan a mÉxico para recibir sepultura los restos de nicolÁso el 4 de julio en illinois su familia prefiere no decirle adiÓs y elige un hasta pronto >>> el presidente de mÉxico viaja a washington la inmigraciÓn centra gran parte de esta visita con una agenda de cooperaciÓn en materia de seguridad >>> un pequeÑo de municipio en honduras ayuda a reducir la violencia domÉstica y crea ayuda a las personas que crea un oficio y tienen un trabajo asegurado. ( ♪ mÚsica ♪ ). >>> ♪ (mÚsica) ♪ >>> feliz inicio de semana les saluda con mucho gusto nicole suÁrez. dÍa especial hoy en la casa blanca el presidente joe biden recibiÓ a familiares de vÍctimas de tiroteos masivos para conmemorar la firma de acta para reducir la violencia de armas de fuego, cristina londoÑo buenas tardes cuÉntanos? >>> sÍ nicole buenas tardes. fue un evento de celebraciÓn en la casa blanca para conmemorar la firma de la ley del mes pasado el presidente joe biden y la vicepresidenta kamala harris invitaron a las familias en (nombre en inglÉs) vinieron tambiÉn vÍctimas y afectados po
hay tristeza pero rencor a ellos no hay >>> llegan a mÉxico para recibir sepultura los restos de nicolÁso el 4 de julio en illinois su familia prefiere no decirle adiÓs y elige un hasta pronto >>> el presidente de mÉxico viaja a washington la inmigraciÓn centra gran parte de esta visita con una agenda de cooperaciÓn en materia de seguridad >>> un pequeÑo de municipio en honduras ayuda a reducir la violencia domÉstica y crea ayuda a las personas que crea un...
Jul 8, 2022
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nicola ripley is going to join us from vail, colorado.urator or the executive director of a betty ford's final garden gift to america. the betty ford alpine garden. nicholas, welcome and tell me, where is it you are sitting, what are we seeing, here? >> i am sitting in the alpine house at betty ford alpine gardens, the alpine house is right next to the education center, which is at the heart of the heart of the gardens. this is a cold greenhouse where we have alpine plants and bloom. the gardens themselves are still under snow and so we chose the alpine house so it could bring some color to the presentation. >> wonderful, tell me, first of all how did all of the start? >> it started one veil was in its very early days, we are talking sort of 1986, the skinny mountain had been open for a few years but the town was really starting to grow. and, local gardeners got together and said, we need to show people who are coming to live at 8200 feet what kind of plants will grow here. they decided to start a public display garden, the piece of land
nicola ripley is going to join us from vail, colorado.urator or the executive director of a betty ford's final garden gift to america. the betty ford alpine garden. nicholas, welcome and tell me, where is it you are sitting, what are we seeing, here? >> i am sitting in the alpine house at betty ford alpine gardens, the alpine house is right next to the education center, which is at the heart of the heart of the gardens. this is a cold greenhouse where we have alpine plants and bloom. the...
Jul 8, 2022
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nicola, thank you. >> thank you for having me.nyone who loves flowers, that there be a more dreamy setting for them than the white house itself? betty ford moved in and with her was her daughter susan ford --, who joins us. susan, welcome from your home in texas. i've covered susan as a reporter since she was 16 years old. those times when you move into the white house, flowers were everywhere. >> my mother loved flowers. she was happy to have fresh flowers in her house, and i like to have fresh flowers in my house here. >> absolutely. and at the white house there is an elaborate hierarchy. there is a full-time florist on the staff. i have seen the court going around the white house putting fresh flowers on almost every table on a daily basis. did your mom get involved with that? was there a greenhouse on the property where she could come in and choose things? >> there was not a greenhouse on the property, and if there is a greenhouse somewhere else, i never got to see it. she loved the fresh flowers, and the white house did beaut
nicola, thank you. >> thank you for having me.nyone who loves flowers, that there be a more dreamy setting for them than the white house itself? betty ford moved in and with her was her daughter susan ford --, who joins us. susan, welcome from your home in texas. i've covered susan as a reporter since she was 16 years old. those times when you move into the white house, flowers were everywhere. >> my mother loved flowers. she was happy to have fresh flowers in her house, and i like...
Jul 8, 2022
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a first minister who watched this issue in turmoil, and who saw is the opportunity, nicola sturgeon. has revealed what she calls a fresh case independent, her government in scotland has an indisputable mandate for a second independence referendum. force johnson's downing street responded, saying that this is not time for a second referendum. here is nicola sturgeon, today. >> were going to see in the next few months, one prime minister we did not vote for playing -- replaced by another premise or we did not before. even if given the chan. this is about so much more than one individual. for scotland, the westminster system does not represent our best interest, and that is why we don't just need to achieve a prime minister or way of changing the guard in, we need scotland to have a permanent alternative to westminster, which is why the independence choices so necessary. let's briefly pause on the politics so that if you want going, there is a life page on the website for you. let's talk about a big story. rafael nadal has withdrawn from wimbledon. he failed to recover from it domino in
a first minister who watched this issue in turmoil, and who saw is the opportunity, nicola sturgeon. has revealed what she calls a fresh case independent, her government in scotland has an indisputable mandate for a second independence referendum. force johnson's downing street responded, saying that this is not time for a second referendum. here is nicola sturgeon, today. >> were going to see in the next few months, one prime minister we did not vote for playing -- replaced by another...
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when i'm dressed like this, i really feel like i'm back in the 17th or 18th century, it's as if nicola folk is going to walk in to say hello england. and he had said, and i can greet him back in the gardens. the participants are enjoying the atmosphere. most of them have made their own costumes for the occasion. this man is dressed as a spy, who also lived as a woman. who should i am the night of a all new shot, a home. and it is your vive. do bowman to characters in one i make all of the questions for ourselves. it's one for jeff fisher. the sunshine picnic can be with like minded people. if i could, you call that number. want to create a special scene that's really stood out from the others, fulfill its fills were quite pleased with the results of your work. and he should be happy because his groups picnic won the contest. but for miriam david and their friends, the day wasn't lost. even if they didn't, when we're happy with our table and the way everything looks when we're spending time with friends and looked away, we wanted to, we feel as if we've one to again it all in all, it wa
when i'm dressed like this, i really feel like i'm back in the 17th or 18th century, it's as if nicola folk is going to walk in to say hello england. and he had said, and i can greet him back in the gardens. the participants are enjoying the atmosphere. most of them have made their own costumes for the occasion. this man is dressed as a spy, who also lived as a woman. who should i am the night of a all new shot, a home. and it is your vive. do bowman to characters in one i make all of the...
Jul 5, 2022
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jacki sundheim and nicolas toledo. president biden ordering flags at half staff to honor the victims. that order coming yet again as the highland park tragedy, another mass shooting, another moment of national mourning. it leads so many to ask was there anything that could have been done, any red flags to prevent this tragedy. drew griffin starts us off with what we're learning about the suspected gunman in highland park. >> reporter: in disturbing detail lake county sheriff's office now say the suspect in custody had every intention of carrying out his horrific independence day shooting as if the day, the date were circled on his calendar. >> we believe crimo preplanned this attack for several weeks. he brought a high powered rifle to the parade. accessed the roof of the business via a fire escape ladder and opened fire on the independence day goers. >> reporter: police say he preplanned his attack and get away too, dressing as a woman and slipping away with the retreating crowds. it was that liefl purchased legally a
jacki sundheim and nicolas toledo. president biden ordering flags at half staff to honor the victims. that order coming yet again as the highland park tragedy, another mass shooting, another moment of national mourning. it leads so many to ask was there anything that could have been done, any red flags to prevent this tragedy. drew griffin starts us off with what we're learning about the suspected gunman in highland park. >> reporter: in disturbing detail lake county sheriff's office now...
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let's go nicolas. they had no right to arrest the police. just doing his job nicola after all.o know what happened, people died, do you believe that the police will handle this. what are you afraid of, you're thinking about the same thing, it's all about him, it's because of him that he disappeared. our ship. i'm sure. i think he's back for revenge. all bodies identified but as we thought, arkady gavrilovich is missing only ivan khrustalev, the problem is that he was also a sailor. this was his first voyage. what are you doing get away it's dangerous. please, just go away. no until you explain that i can't. stop well, i'll tell you. only you won't write about it. the professor will kill me. ivan khrustalev worked in the office, mr. kamensky paid for his studies as an accountant. and suddenly he dropped everything. i myself was surprised by his decision. and he has a family, he had relatives, his father served in courts of gentlemen the kamensky assistants to the captain were betrayed, but a bad couple began to drink wine and the sea. he drowned, his father could teach him seama
let's go nicolas. they had no right to arrest the police. just doing his job nicola after all.o know what happened, people died, do you believe that the police will handle this. what are you afraid of, you're thinking about the same thing, it's all about him, it's because of him that he disappeared. our ship. i'm sure. i think he's back for revenge. all bodies identified but as we thought, arkady gavrilovich is missing only ivan khrustalev, the problem is that he was also a sailor. this was his...
Jul 5, 2022
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the family of 78-year-old nicolas toledo says the father of eight and grandfather to many had been visitinghighland park from mexico. they described him as a loving man who was creative, adventurous, and funny. 63-year-old jacki sundheim was a lifelong congregant and staff member at a nearby synagogue serving as preschoolteacher and events coordinator. in a statement, the north shore congregation saying there are no words sufficient to express the depth of our grief for jacki's death and sympathy for her family and loved ones. a total of 39 patients were taken to four area hospitals. 26 went to highland park hospital ranging in age from 8 to 85. nine patients now remain hospitalized. john whitehead teaches history in a local school. mass shootings now a part of american history. explaining it nearly impossible. >> to be that close to this seemingly uniquely american activity, this thing, what do you make of it? >> makes me want to throw up every time i think about it. these families have been ruined. this town will bounce back and we will get back to where we are, but for right now, it's ti
the family of 78-year-old nicolas toledo says the father of eight and grandfather to many had been visitinghighland park from mexico. they described him as a loving man who was creative, adventurous, and funny. 63-year-old jacki sundheim was a lifelong congregant and staff member at a nearby synagogue serving as preschoolteacher and events coordinator. in a statement, the north shore congregation saying there are no words sufficient to express the depth of our grief for jacki's death and...
Jul 28, 2022
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a centro de dani alves nicolÁs freire al 90 rescata el empate.n ocho unidades. en mÁs de esta jornada cinco querÉtaro y guadalajara se enfrentaron 2—2 con marcador final. nahuel van empato. mario osuna al 90 de penal le da el empate al querÉtaro. oakland buscaba la barrida ante houston y lo consiguiÓ, le dio lugar a pisco tic los astros se acercaron en la quinta. ganÓ oakland cuatro carreras por dos. ♪ paola: no olvide que puede comunicarse con nosotros escribiÉndonos un mensaje whatsapp. nuestro equipo estÁ listo. escrÍbenos al telÉfono que en pantalla.personas, reviv con una gira de sus exponentes. patricia: miÉrcoles 27 de julio y estas son las principales noticias. en la reserva federal realiza el cuarto aumento consecutivo en las tasas de interÉs en lo que va de aÑo. el incremento busca frenar la creciente inflaciÓn, pero nuestros bolsillos son los que sufren. >> no es momento de comprar ni vender. es momento de tener calma. patricia: 79 incendios se mantienen activos en 11 estados del paÍs. las temperaturas
a centro de dani alves nicolÁs freire al 90 rescata el empate.n ocho unidades. en mÁs de esta jornada cinco querÉtaro y guadalajara se enfrentaron 2—2 con marcador final. nahuel van empato. mario osuna al 90 de penal le da el empate al querÉtaro. oakland buscaba la barrida ante houston y lo consiguiÓ, le dio lugar a pisco tic los astros se acercaron en la quinta. ganÓ oakland cuatro carreras por dos. ♪ paola: no olvide que puede comunicarse con nosotros escribiÉndonos un mensaje...
Jul 19, 2022
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nicolas cruz has pleaded guilty this is than the battle to win over a jury as to whether there is reale death penalty, is that about right?— that about right? that is exactly right. _ that about right? that is exactly right. this - that about right? that is exactly right. this is - that about right? that is. exactly right. this is quite that about right? that is - exactly right. this is quite an unusual situation and clearly the focus is on this, the penalty stage of the trial. are there aggravating circumstances that justify the death circumstances or mitigating circumstances, that we will no doubt hear from the defence later on in the trial. the situation that they justify that death sentence, we are hearing from the prosecution, the fact this was clearly planned by nicolas cruz, several days, perhaps longer, in advance, the brutal nature of what he did, the fact he went back to some of his victims to shoot them again, to make sure they were dead. the mitigating circumstances are likely to be account of his growing up, his childhood, his emotional problems, psychological problems, th
nicolas cruz has pleaded guilty this is than the battle to win over a jury as to whether there is reale death penalty, is that about right?— that about right? that is exactly right. _ that about right? that is exactly right. this - that about right? that is exactly right. this is - that about right? that is. exactly right. this is quite that about right? that is - exactly right. this is quite an unusual situation and clearly the focus is on this, the penalty stage of the trial. are there...
Jul 19, 2022
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evidencia fueron llamados a declarar los primeros testigos al iniciar el juicio sentencia contra nicolÁsaban con cada sonido. y despertaron los dolorosos recuerdos. el autor confeso se llevaba las manos a la cabeza. antes la fiscalÍa era contundente al presentar al jurado. >>> el jurado no estÁ de terminando si es culpable o no culpable. lo que jurado estÁ de terminando es la pena que se debe aplicar al delito. >>> con la pena capital como objetivo. el fiscal detallÓ la manera que el pistolero ingresÓ a un edificio de la preparatoria con un rifle semiautomÁtico. describiÓ por ejemplo, la cantidad de disparos que recibieron cada una de las vÍctimas. >>> la fiscalÍa, el gobierno, tiene que comprobar que este delito se cometiÓ de una manera cruel. >>> contÓ que cruz disparÓ 139 tiros, 70 en el primer piso, 6 en el segundo, 61 en el tercero. y los demÁs en las escaleras. el fiscal, dijo que tiene toda las evidencias para probar que fue un asesinato masivo planeado. un acto cometido con frialdad. la defensa de cruz no quiso presentar argumentos de apertura y lo harÁn cuando consideran que el
evidencia fueron llamados a declarar los primeros testigos al iniciar el juicio sentencia contra nicolÁsaban con cada sonido. y despertaron los dolorosos recuerdos. el autor confeso se llevaba las manos a la cabeza. antes la fiscalÍa era contundente al presentar al jurado. >>> el jurado no estÁ de terminando si es culpable o no culpable. lo que jurado estÁ de terminando es la pena que se debe aplicar al delito. >>> con la pena capital como objetivo. el fiscal detallÓ la...
Jul 5, 2022
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one was nicolas toledo, a father of eight. his grandson defined him as loving. left numb. another victim is identified as jacky hunthime, a cherished member of nsci staffing. her warmth touched us all. and robert crimo has been identified as a person of interest, he was taken into custody near lake forest after an hours long manhunt. the car was spotted that crimo was believed to have been driving. >> a brief pursuit went on, ultimately they were able to get the suspect stopped at wesley and 41 in wake forest, the suspect was taken into custody without incident. >> crimo's uncle says his nephew was an aspiring rapper. his social media includes a drawing of a man holding a rifle on another. they had gathered along the parade route yesterday, many staking out spots to get a prime view of the festivities, people mistook the shots for fireworks before realizing what they were. the shooter targeted people from a roof, possibly accessed from a ladder in an alley. people desperately went for cover. >> it was very frightening, we're okay. >> we're okay. how many shots d
one was nicolas toledo, a father of eight. his grandson defined him as loving. left numb. another victim is identified as jacky hunthime, a cherished member of nsci staffing. her warmth touched us all. and robert crimo has been identified as a person of interest, he was taken into custody near lake forest after an hours long manhunt. the car was spotted that crimo was believed to have been driving. >> a brief pursuit went on, ultimately they were able to get the suspect stopped at wesley...
Jul 5, 2022
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nicola sturgeon has already said that she hopes the rest of his parliament follow suit and resign asis chancellor and health secretary that he believes that he can soldier on, that that seems increasingly unlikely, but certainly at the moment he wants to go on, and i think in scotland, the snp, there feeling the longer boris stays in power, the greater the chance our people in scotland will eventually see independence as a way out of a country run by him. that see independence as a way out of a country run by him.— country run by him. that was my oint country run by him. that was my point behind _ country run by him. that was my point behind the _ country run by him. that was my point behind the question, - country run by him. that was my i point behind the question, because of course the legal route now that the snp is looking for is to actually make the next general election really is single issue matter, on independence, so presumably, they would keep him in position for a bit longer to try and build that support?— build that support? yeah, i think that's absolutely _ build that s
nicola sturgeon has already said that she hopes the rest of his parliament follow suit and resign asis chancellor and health secretary that he believes that he can soldier on, that that seems increasingly unlikely, but certainly at the moment he wants to go on, and i think in scotland, the snp, there feeling the longer boris stays in power, the greater the chance our people in scotland will eventually see independence as a way out of a country run by him. that see independence as a way out of a...
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it's dangerous here, but the organizer prepared fat's wife nicola, for that mario, mario warned me before the lots of speedboats fly by and don't expect a swimmer to be here. i found a family limit of ice and andrea spot is almost wistful, more miss butler to morrow it's over. but sometimes it was nice, at least at the end, and sometimes it was more like torture. good lord. okay. 12700 kilometers lie behind him. analyzing the water samples will still take months. but what counts now is that fought has made it his son motor its accompanies him for the final stretch of canada. as i know, he's glad i am here, and that makes me even happier. now. the old port city of selina and kilometer 0. they've reached the finish. but to take a photo to remember this special moment they have to keep going on foot. thought may have done all the swimming, but there's really was a team effort in ish. yeah, that's good, little girl or modify the art lesson. ah, now there's only one thing left for andreas thought to do. take a dead in the black sea. after that, it's that to lectures and lab work with in a glob
it's dangerous here, but the organizer prepared fat's wife nicola, for that mario, mario warned me before the lots of speedboats fly by and don't expect a swimmer to be here. i found a family limit of ice and andrea spot is almost wistful, more miss butler to morrow it's over. but sometimes it was nice, at least at the end, and sometimes it was more like torture. good lord. okay. 12700 kilometers lie behind him. analyzing the water samples will still take months. but what counts now is that...
eye 28
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it's dangerous here, but the organizer prepared fat's wife nicola, for that. maria warned me before that. lots of speed boats fly by and don't expect a swimmer to be here. i mean i kind of on the modifier and andrea spot is almost wistful, more miss butler to morrow. it's over. but sometimes it was nice at least at the end. and sometimes it was more like torture. 2 lower, i'm flying. hey, 2700 kilometers. lie behind him. analyzing the water samples will still take months . but what counts now is that fought, has made it. his son motor its accompanies him for the final stretch. was headed to canada, as i know, he's glad i am here. and that makes me even happier. now. the old port city of selina, and kilometer 0. they've reached the finish. but to take a photo to remember this special moment they have to keep going on foot, but may have done all the swimming. but there's really was a team effort and ash. yeah, that's because of the field. go in for a lot of our lives lesson. now there is only one thing left for andreas thought to do, take a dead and the black se
it's dangerous here, but the organizer prepared fat's wife nicola, for that. maria warned me before that. lots of speed boats fly by and don't expect a swimmer to be here. i mean i kind of on the modifier and andrea spot is almost wistful, more miss butler to morrow. it's over. but sometimes it was nice at least at the end. and sometimes it was more like torture. 2 lower, i'm flying. hey, 2700 kilometers. lie behind him. analyzing the water samples will still take months . but what counts now...
Jul 13, 2022
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positional leader juan guaido, who was promoted by america, declared himself president instead of nicolásduro, the coup failed. however, the attentive reader will notice that venezuela is not the only country. whose future the states cared about china is mentioned more than 600 times in the book. russia five hundred, about the same ukraine for everyone. it is known that the united states tried to overthrow the president of venezuela now. we are waiting for the us to recognize the key role in the illegal maidan coup on ukraine in 2014. what is also not a secret to anyone? he frankly called bolton a stupid maniac who wants to fight everything that breathes, having worked in the administrations of ronald, reagan and george w. bush, he really was an active supporter of the invasion of iraq, called for sending american troops to iran and was known as one of the most ardent. hawks are statements. she fits his image such that it will give the vat a scandalous image, but at the same time it does not reveal anything new to us, but torment us. that is, i i understand that america, in general, was b
positional leader juan guaido, who was promoted by america, declared himself president instead of nicolásduro, the coup failed. however, the attentive reader will notice that venezuela is not the only country. whose future the states cared about china is mentioned more than 600 times in the book. russia five hundred, about the same ukraine for everyone. it is known that the united states tried to overthrow the president of venezuela now. we are waiting for the us to recognize the key role in...
Jul 5, 2022
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entre las vÍctimas hay un hombre mexicano, nicolÁs disfrutaba del sfile y estaba de visita, tenÍa 78relos. su nieta escribiÓ en redes sociales que era un hombre aventurero y chistoso. que su familia estÁ destruida. >>> este nuevo tiroteo empaÑa el festejo d 4 de julio. el pistolero matÓ a por lo menos 6 personas y mÁs de 30 quedaron heridas, entre ellas varios niÑos. el sospechoso se dio a lauga y dio en una intensa cacerÍa, que terminÓ con la aprehensiÓn de un sospechoso de 22 aÑos identificado como robert "bobby"... (informaciÓn en pantalla) >>> y bueno en lo que va del aÑo son 308 tiroteos masivos. la detenciÓn ocurriÓ en una autopia despuÉs de una persecuciÓn 5 millas al norte de highland park. vamos con el informe sobre el operativo y lo que se sabe de este joven que estÁ bajo custodia, adelante. >>> asÍ es, efectivamente, buenas noches y como tÚ lo dices, el arresto de esta persona de intÉs se dio 2 horas despuÉs de que las autoridades publicaran su foto de que era una persona buscada. todo esto ocurriÓ despuÉs de un tiroteo que se presentara a eso de las 10:15 de la maÑana en
entre las vÍctimas hay un hombre mexicano, nicolÁs disfrutaba del sfile y estaba de visita, tenÍa 78relos. su nieta escribiÓ en redes sociales que era un hombre aventurero y chistoso. que su familia estÁ destruida. >>> este nuevo tiroteo empaÑa el festejo d 4 de julio. el pistolero matÓ a por lo menos 6 personas y mÁs de 30 quedaron heridas, entre ellas varios niÑos. el sospechoso se dio a lauga y dio en una intensa cacerÍa, que terminÓ con la aprehensiÓn de un sospechoso...
Jul 7, 2022
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hope there might be would be a chance to reset relationships and look afresh at the request from nicolasection 30 order, to establish a mutually agreed way forward between edinburgh and london on holding a lawful independence referendum. but in terms of their desire to put the question again in scotland that we had in 2014, that remains unchanged. it is a case where the merits stand as to who occupies downing street. what are your thoughts on the plans of the prime minister to stay in power until probably the first week of october and party conference season, until there is a new conservative leader in place. so, resigning as conservative leader but hanging on as prime minister until then because, he says, it is all about the functioning of government, continuity. what is the snp�*s approach? the premise —— has been dragged kicking and screaming towards acknowledging at least some of the political reality of the situation he faces, he not only lost the back benches but the confidence of the ministers. i don't think this is tenable. there are major issues facing the uk as a whole, and th
hope there might be would be a chance to reset relationships and look afresh at the request from nicolasection 30 order, to establish a mutually agreed way forward between edinburgh and london on holding a lawful independence referendum. but in terms of their desire to put the question again in scotland that we had in 2014, that remains unchanged. it is a case where the merits stand as to who occupies downing street. what are your thoughts on the plans of the prime minister to stay in power...
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if you had mentioned with regard to china and very senior germans in the european union, nicola vice president, the parliament has been in taiwan this week to support that trip. while you want to nail down? no, i'm single issues on the high iran i've just been in the region myself. i've been in japan. i've discussed the, with the japanese with the american friends over there where different they're both aligning also in the industry of, of taylor. and so obviously this is one of the very vulnerable parts of our security strategy of our french, the, in the regions. and it's also in our own security interest, and this is why we have all the different relationships we have fault and friendship proven in the german bonus talk, which i've been a member of the pasta myself. so this is a common german and also common use finity and we have seen also was less rainy. for example, when there was pressure because of the term on issue. how important it is that the countries been united to together. but do you support it? i didn't even know that she was the, i'm sorry, i cannot because it could c
if you had mentioned with regard to china and very senior germans in the european union, nicola vice president, the parliament has been in taiwan this week to support that trip. while you want to nail down? no, i'm single issues on the high iran i've just been in the region myself. i've been in japan. i've discussed the, with the japanese with the american friends over there where different they're both aligning also in the industry of, of taylor. and so obviously this is one of the very...
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well, nicola, for anyone who knows madrid, or, or spain, of course, the hot weather is far from over. it's only the middle of july. how are people coping with the extreme heat? well, hot summers are not so unusual. it in spain, of course the people are so sort of like they haven't have adapted to this. i mean they go into the shades, they would stay where there's an ac on. they wouldn't go out at the extreme hours of sun if there's no need to do so. a lot of water, a lot of cooling down, but there's only so much you can do just to give you a perspective. i only have been at home. i don't have air con and i am kind of shielding at home in the dark. so if i go out as a difference of maybe $6.00 to $7.00 degrees and in the sun, it's even more. so that's what you have to do. but it's obviously a really big impact on the buddy here that we also experience in because of the heat. be it that you're adapted to or not. it's not the usual that you have a heat wave that is fat long. data over you corresponded nicole ris in madrid. thank you. well, let's take a look at some more stories making he
well, nicola, for anyone who knows madrid, or, or spain, of course, the hot weather is far from over. it's only the middle of july. how are people coping with the extreme heat? well, hot summers are not so unusual. it in spain, of course the people are so sort of like they haven't have adapted to this. i mean they go into the shades, they would stay where there's an ac on. they wouldn't go out at the extreme hours of sun if there's no need to do so. a lot of water, a lot of cooling down, but...
Jul 18, 2022
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nicolas cruz. should he -- president biden is back at the white house after a four-day visit to the white house. the white house is calling it a success but this comes amid controversy. skyler hen try is at the white house with more. good evening. >> reporter: good evening. reactions continue to pour in following the fist bump scene around the world. president biden deflected blowback since fist bumping mohamed bin salman. >> why don't you guys talk about something that matters. >> reporter: critics say the president went against his campaign to make the treaty. >> i don't believe we should be maintaining a warm relationship with a dictatorship like that. >> reporter: the administration argues there's a need for stability and working relationships in the region, especially as it continues to address soaring oil costs. while the saudi visit brought no immediate breakthroughs, he believe more global supply in the coming weeks. >> despite gas prices for the fourth straight week, they called on the adm
nicolas cruz. should he -- president biden is back at the white house after a four-day visit to the white house. the white house is calling it a success but this comes amid controversy. skyler hen try is at the white house with more. good evening. >> reporter: good evening. reactions continue to pour in following the fist bump scene around the world. president biden deflected blowback since fist bumping mohamed bin salman. >> why don't you guys talk about something that matters....
Jul 8, 2022
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the united states suspects that the case was decided on a secret no longer in elysee palace where nicolasy and mir tomim, benhamat altani, platini and blatter were present, the allegedly persistent requests of the french presidents and a check for $ 5 million of the payment issued played a decisive role, however, in the swiss case, the end has not yet been set, the prosecution can still file an appeal, which will drag out process until at least next year. after that, you can file a new lawsuit with the highest instance, the federal court of lausanne, given that fifa has already lost part of its sovereignty and independence from big politics it is impossible that in the end this particular path will be chosen. not only at home, but also abroad, today karen shakhnazarov is celebrating his seventieth birthday, who has long gone beyond the usual framework and directing and, having headed mosfilm, has turned screenwriting production skills into a new philosophy of filmmaking, impressive creative successes and organizational talents. congratulations were especially noted by the president, repor
the united states suspects that the case was decided on a secret no longer in elysee palace where nicolasy and mir tomim, benhamat altani, platini and blatter were present, the allegedly persistent requests of the french presidents and a check for $ 5 million of the payment issued played a decisive role, however, in the swiss case, the end has not yet been set, the prosecution can still file an appeal, which will drag out process until at least next year. after that, you can file a new lawsuit...
Jul 9, 2022
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enmarca la despedida de tres de los 7 fallecidos de la masacre del 4 de julio, entre ellos, el abuelito nicolásimo porque era el único que nos quedaba a nosotros, mi hermana también, éramos cinco mujeres pero se fue una, y, este pues, lo siento harto, nosotros estamos muy tristes por él. >>on el paso de los días, hay más historias dolorosas . >> (hablan en inglés) tom y morgan padre e hijo corrían para ayudar a las personas, yencontraron a un pequeño . >> (hablan en inglés) . >> ambos padres murieron dejando al pequeño, kevin lo protegía con su cuerpo. >> (hablan en inglés) (información en pantalla) el tío del presunto tirador, robert e. crimo iii, con quien vivía, se disculpó con las familias. >> (hablan en inglés) (información en pantalla) . >> el padre de robert e. crimo iii ha insistido en defenderse tras críticas por patrocinarle una licencia de propietario de armas de fuego, registros de llamadas muestran una imagen turbulenta de los padres de robert e. crimo iii, hay familias angustiadas esperando que sus seres queridos se recuperen en el hospital . >> como este niño de 8 añitos. >> reci
enmarca la despedida de tres de los 7 fallecidos de la masacre del 4 de julio, entre ellos, el abuelito nicolásimo porque era el único que nos quedaba a nosotros, mi hermana también, éramos cinco mujeres pero se fue una, y, este pues, lo siento harto, nosotros estamos muy tristes por él. >>on el paso de los días, hay más historias dolorosas . >> (hablan en inglés) tom y morgan padre e hijo corrían para ayudar a las personas, yencontraron a un pequeño . >> (hablan en...
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if you had mentioned with regard to china and a very senior german figure in the european union, nicola vice president, the parliament has been in taiwan this week to support that trip. while you want to nail me down? no, i'm single issues on the high iran i've just been in the region myself. i've been in japan. i've discussed the, with japanese with the american friends over there where different they're both aligning also in the industry of, of taylor. and so obviously this is one of the very vulnerable parts of our security strategy of our friend, the, in the regions. and it's also in our own security interest, and this is why we have all the different relationships we have fault and friendship proven in the german bonus talk, which i've been a member of the pasta myself. so this is a common german and also a common use strategy. and we have seen also was less rainy. for example, when there was pressure because of the term on issue. how important it is that the country's been united to together. but do you support her? i didn't even know that she was the, i'm sorry, i cannot because
if you had mentioned with regard to china and a very senior german figure in the european union, nicola vice president, the parliament has been in taiwan this week to support that trip. while you want to nail me down? no, i'm single issues on the high iran i've just been in the region myself. i've been in japan. i've discussed the, with japanese with the american friends over there where different they're both aligning also in the industry of, of taylor. and so obviously this is one of the very...
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saying that russian shelves have struck yet another residential building in the southern city of nicola. now that would be just the latest in what appears to be a string of hits on civic civilians. i mean, is this a deliberate strategy that we're c? well, brenda, russia always says that he doesn't target civilians that he'd only house to t j target. dad being fed, it's been 5 months of war days, air read alerts every day, every night, all over ukraine and almost daily, their civilian facilities, civilian buildings, which are being hit and where victims, unfortunately are you know, are under the rebels of the people. dozens of people have already died in such strikes. so it seems at this stage of course that if not deliberate, at least could careless you know, or at least in precise missile, or strike a full on your kind on a daily basis. in your mind, when you to the ukrainian government has been warning for weeks now of an impending counter offensive in the south of the country to push the russians out of that area . what does that tell us about the, the state of the russian military t
saying that russian shelves have struck yet another residential building in the southern city of nicola. now that would be just the latest in what appears to be a string of hits on civic civilians. i mean, is this a deliberate strategy that we're c? well, brenda, russia always says that he doesn't target civilians that he'd only house to t j target. dad being fed, it's been 5 months of war days, air read alerts every day, every night, all over ukraine and almost daily, their civilian...
Jul 6, 2022
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more now from ed lavendera. >> reporter: nicolas toledo's family says they are broken and numb. the 78-year-old grandfather attended the fourth of july parade with his family. it was supposed to be a day of fun. instead it ended as a horrific nightmare. investigators say the gunman fired more than 70 rounds from a rooftop into the crowd lining the parade route.sundheim was s killed. and her congregation says she was a preschool teacher and events coordinator. in all the gunman killed seven people with a high powered rifle, one authorities say was similar to an ar-15 but declining to provide other details about it. lake county officials identified four other victims as 64-year-old katherine goldstein, 88-year-old stephen straus, irina and kevin mccarthy were also killed in the shooting. their 2-year-old son was found alive in the aftermath. he is now being cared for by the couple's family. 39 other people at the parade suffered gunshot injury. >> the people who were gone were blown up by that gunfire. >> reporter: this doctor helped treat some of the victims as police say the gun
more now from ed lavendera. >> reporter: nicolas toledo's family says they are broken and numb. the 78-year-old grandfather attended the fourth of july parade with his family. it was supposed to be a day of fun. instead it ended as a horrific nightmare. investigators say the gunman fired more than 70 rounds from a rooftop into the crowd lining the parade route.sundheim was s killed. and her congregation says she was a preschool teacher and events coordinator. in all the gunman killed...
Jul 15, 2022
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habÍa dicho que no verÍa mientras estuviera al mando de nicolÁs maduro.a como hace mÁs de 50 aÑos. >>> asÍ, pese a las criticas positivas y negativa a la posiciÓn del puma josÉ luis rodrÍguez. el teatro teresa carreÑo se encuentra a casa llena para recibirlo. >>> estoy emocionada. como cuando tenÍa 20. >>> lo amo, mÁs que todo porque lo tenemos aquÍ. ojalÁ que siempre estÉ aquÍ. >>> esta fue la reacciÓn en miami, capital del exilio venezolano y una avenida lleva el nombre de josÉ luis rodrÍguez el puma. >>> me siento decepcionado. dio declaraciones fuertes donde dijo que despreciaba el rÉgimen de maduro. >>> quÉ vitalidad. vigilan en las playas de estados unidos por las playas de estados unidos por una para ayudar a prevenir las encías sangrantes. prueba decir hola a gumwash con parodontax active gum health. mata la placa bacteriana. y despliega un escudo antibacteriano. prueba el nuevo parodontax active gum health. frosty time is chisme time. ¿mmmhmm?? -mm.¡mmmmm! mm. -¡hmmm! ¿qué me perdí? ¡todo! con el nuevo frosty de fresa, vas a disfrutar tu frosty t
habÍa dicho que no verÍa mientras estuviera al mando de nicolÁs maduro.a como hace mÁs de 50 aÑos. >>> asÍ, pese a las criticas positivas y negativa a la posiciÓn del puma josÉ luis rodrÍguez. el teatro teresa carreÑo se encuentra a casa llena para recibirlo. >>> estoy emocionada. como cuando tenÍa 20. >>> lo amo, mÁs que todo porque lo tenemos aquÍ. ojalÁ que siempre estÉ aquÍ. >>> esta fue la reacciÓn en miami, capital del exilio venezolano...
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mother, as thank you, dian jordan, i need to lose full coverage or salt on south africa, nicola, go with it. surely forward that across the domain itself. but the not they to check . yep. um, for a bottle worth him to have a good amount a butcher mirror did normally in orchard number's gonna what we're going to say on that was it with journalist father to brianna is one of those who have been trying in vain for 8. he is to bring the truth about the horrors of the ukrainian civil war to the world. yeah, but my are sort of a few at least when you thus the new yes, certainly the 50 mile east. that also should the could kind of look new they up in the most at the nazis thought f. e cause that us somebody's diana. but one of not still lou and dr. cook must believe. joke not up like new because that's when store wasn't found. d stall enough of braithwaite walters and i think most of each of us. lucy's national. below i was listening writing today, pavel is going back to the city he left 8 years ago. he wants to see what's left of his former life, which changed forever in 2014. mm . mm hm. we'l
mother, as thank you, dian jordan, i need to lose full coverage or salt on south africa, nicola, go with it. surely forward that across the domain itself. but the not they to check . yep. um, for a bottle worth him to have a good amount a butcher mirror did normally in orchard number's gonna what we're going to say on that was it with journalist father to brianna is one of those who have been trying in vain for 8. he is to bring the truth about the horrors of the ukrainian civil war to the...
Jul 19, 2022
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evidencia fueron llamados a declarar los primeros testigos al iniciar el juicio de sentencia contra nicolÁsarkland florida. despertaron los mÁs dolorosos recuerdos. >>> el autor confeso del tiroteo, se llevaba las manos a la cabeza. la fiscalÍa fue contundente al presentar sus argumentos iniciales al jurado. >>> el jurado no estÁ de terminando si Él es culpable o no culpable. sino aquÍ lo que el jurado estÁ de terminando la pena que se debe aplicar al delito. >>> que no consuman noticias sobre el juicio para que tengan su criterio con lo que escuchan en la corte. >>> el pistolero ingresÓ al edificio de la preparatoria. con un rifle semi automÁtico. matÓ a 17 personas. >>> la fiscalÍa, el gobierno e tiene que comprobar que este delito se cometiÓ de una forma cruel. >>> disparÓ 139 tiros. 70 en primer piso.61 en el tercero. y los demÁs en las escaleras. >>> el fiscal dijo que tiene toda las evidencias para probar que fue un asesinato masivo planeado. un acto cometido con frialdad. la defensa de cruz no presentÓ argumento de apertura. y lo harÁn cuando consideran que el tiempo es apropiado. >>
evidencia fueron llamados a declarar los primeros testigos al iniciar el juicio de sentencia contra nicolÁsarkland florida. despertaron los mÁs dolorosos recuerdos. >>> el autor confeso del tiroteo, se llevaba las manos a la cabeza. la fiscalÍa fue contundente al presentar sus argumentos iniciales al jurado. >>> el jurado no estÁ de terminando si Él es culpable o no culpable. sino aquÍ lo que el jurado estÁ de terminando la pena que se debe aplicar al delito....