nicolas biddle flexes his muscle. nicolas biddle, on behalf of the bank, gives henry clay a $50,000 campaign donation. quite a lot of money for those days. not only that, but the bank, for years already, has been funding and loaning money to newspapers all across the country. and that press, that press, all of a sudden in a couple months before the election, just piling on to jackson, things look really bad. jackson, what's he going to do? what's he going to do? is he going to win? things don't look so good. but jackson is confident. jackson is confident in tmidst this trial, jackson says, quote, the bank is trying to kill me, but i will kill it. jackson says. i will kill it. and well, what happens? the election occurs. election day comes about. victory for jackson. jackson wins the election in a landslide. clay wins five states. jackson takes the bulk of the states. you'll notice south carolina refuses to vote for jackson in the middle of that nullification crisis. jackson wins the election and victory for the jackso