Mar 11, 2022
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mientras nicolás maduro ha sido imputado por cargos de tráfico de drogas la corte internacional por crímenes juegue con los intereses, los valores la vida y la posibilidad de tener democracia y libertad en venezuela >>expertos dicen que venezuela no puede suplir la demanda estadounidense >>el presidente de colombia dio conocer su postura sobre el polémico encuentro de la administración de joe biden con maduro >> nosotros nos mantendremos en la misma línea política exterior que hemos tenido, condenando la dictadura, llamando nicolás maduro como lo que es un criminal de lesa humanidad y seguiremos con fraternidad apoyando los hermanos venezolanos >> ahí estás después de su reunión, recalcó que siguen firmes en no reconocer las elecciones de 2018 donde según el mandatario nicolás maduro manipuló el proceso para poder quedarse en el poder >> en su visita el mandatario colombiano también se reunió con el presidente joe biden quien aprovechó la oportunidad para calificar la invasión de rusia como una amenaza para la paz y seguridad internacional >> joe biden agradeció a duke e indicó que las accio
mientras nicolás maduro ha sido imputado por cargos de tráfico de drogas la corte internacional por crímenes juegue con los intereses, los valores la vida y la posibilidad de tener democracia y libertad en venezuela >>expertos dicen que venezuela no puede suplir la demanda estadounidense >>el presidente de colombia dio conocer su postura sobre el polémico encuentro de la administración de joe biden con maduro >> nosotros nos mantendremos en la misma línea política...
Mar 10, 2022
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. >> qué hay detrás de liberación de un ejecutivo bajo presión en régimen de nicolás maduro, el cambio por continuar con nosotros, el régimen de nicolás maduro, decidió poner en libertad a un preso político, muchos se pregunan si la acción tiene que ver con la reunión de funcionarios estadounidenses, luis núñez tiene la historia . >> estaba las 24 jhoras del día . >>aaquí el resultado de la situación . >> el abrazo en familia que fue tema por más de 4 años . >> no pude dormir hasta ver de verdad a mi esposo aquí . >> gustavo recibió la noticia de la recuperación, prisionero del régimen de nicolás maduro, lo acusaron de malverzación de fondos y fue arrestado . >> esto no es que llegó la guerra y vamos a venezuela . >> esto surge después de reunión con joe biden y régimen venezolano, dicen ellos que niegan comprar petróleo a cambio de liberaciones . >> no estábamos negociando . >> la gente del gobierno americano tiene mucho tiempo trabajando en esto . >> quedan más personas en el sistema del régimen quién recuperarlos . >> las navidades, los cumpleaños las graduaciones . >> le contamos t
. >> qué hay detrás de liberación de un ejecutivo bajo presión en régimen de nicolás maduro, el cambio por continuar con nosotros, el régimen de nicolás maduro, decidió poner en libertad a un preso político, muchos se pregunan si la acción tiene que ver con la reunión de funcionarios estadounidenses, luis núñez tiene la historia . >> estaba las 24 jhoras del día . >>aaquí el resultado de la situación . >> el abrazo en familia que fue tema por más de 4...
Mar 9, 2022
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el gobernante nicolÁs maduro se esforzÓ por mejorar las relaciones y libera a dos estadounidenses queue lograron ser liberados luego de la reuniÓn del pasado sÁbado por parte de una comisiÓn de la casa blanca con el gobierno de nicolÁs maduro. un ejecutivo y un turista. a continuaciÓn, que mostrar imÁgenes en vivo de la compresa de prensa del secretario de estado. se le acaba de brotar sobre la situaciÓn con venezuela y ha dicho que estados unidos y venezuela tienen determinados intereses, lograr la liberaciÓn de estadounidenses presos y el abastecimiento de petrÓleo en todo el mundo. de eso se lo ha criticado mucho porque estÁ comisiÓn de la casa blanca, conformada por juan gonzÁlez que dirige la seguridad nacional, y el embajador, ha dicho que se trabajÓ se iniciÓ en el pasado mes de diciembre para lidiar con los temas que tiene que ver con rehenes. diciembre no se logrÓ absolutamente nada pero pavimentÓ el camino . teresa criticando la casa blanca por el tema de la liberaciÓn, que nos Único enfoque, sino por cÓmo pretender contar con venezuela para abastecer a estados unidos y el r
el gobernante nicolÁs maduro se esforzÓ por mejorar las relaciones y libera a dos estadounidenses queue lograron ser liberados luego de la reuniÓn del pasado sÁbado por parte de una comisiÓn de la casa blanca con el gobierno de nicolÁs maduro. un ejecutivo y un turista. a continuaciÓn, que mostrar imÁgenes en vivo de la compresa de prensa del secretario de estado. se le acaba de brotar sobre la situaciÓn con venezuela y ha dicho que estados unidos y venezuela tienen determinados...
Mar 7, 2022
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mercado petrolero que no lo va a lograr, ademÁs hoy el aliado mÁs cercano que tiene el rÉgimen de nicolÁs maduropara venderle gas a estados unidos y a otros paÍses. >> estamos en conversaciones con nuestros aliados europeos y socios para coordinar una forma de prohibir la importaciÓn de petrÓleo ruso, mientras nos aseguramos que tengamos una producciÓn a propiedad del crudo para subir los mercados en el mundo. mientras que la presiÓn crece para que la casa blanca le ponga sanciones mÁs severas a rusia. >> existe mucha presiÓn en el congreso, estamos pidiendo esto ya que serÍa el primer paso. reportera: el gobierno de joe biden autorizÓ librar 30 millones de barriles de la reserva energÉtica de petrÓleo en un intento por liberar los precios. presentador: y hablando de sanciones, american express tambiÉn anunciÓ que va a suspender todas las operaciones en rusia y en bielorrusia, esto por la invasiÓn a francia, de esta forma se suman a visa y a master card que ya tomaron esta decisiÓn. presentadora: un hombre armado resultÓ muerto y abatido por los disparos de un policÍa en washington, luego de que
mercado petrolero que no lo va a lograr, ademÁs hoy el aliado mÁs cercano que tiene el rÉgimen de nicolÁs maduropara venderle gas a estados unidos y a otros paÍses. >> estamos en conversaciones con nuestros aliados europeos y socios para coordinar una forma de prohibir la importaciÓn de petrÓleo ruso, mientras nos aseguramos que tengamos una producciÓn a propiedad del crudo para subir los mercados en el mundo. mientras que la presiÓn crece para que la casa blanca le ponga...
Mar 9, 2022
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. >> con nicolÁs maduro. por lo tanto una necesidad.ente en esta reuniÓn en caracas tambiÉn se discutiÓ la liberaciÓn de presos estadounidenses y esta noche se confirma q venezuela ha dejado libre a un directivo que llevaba mÁs de 4 aÑos encaelado en el paÍs. adelante, daniel. evidente gesto del presidente nicolÁs maduro la noche de este martes con la salida de las cÁrceles del servicio bolivariano de inteligencia de al menos dos ciudadanos estadounidense, el primero gustavo cÁrdenas, exdirectivo de la petrolera estaba preso desde el aÑo 2017. tambiÉn recibiÓ el beneficio por ahora de libertad, no se sabe si es libertad plena o si recibiÓ algÚn tipo de beneficio que lo mantendrÁ en el paÍs al turista cubano estadounidense que fue detenido mientras tenÍa un dron en el cruce fronteri, habÍa sido juzgado bajo cargos de terrorismo, una informaciÓn que no podemos confirmar aÚn, permanecen cinco directivos de la estatal de la filial en estados unidos presos en las cÁrceles, asÍ como tres ciudadanos estadounidenses en entrenamiento militar est
. >> con nicolÁs maduro. por lo tanto una necesidad.ente en esta reuniÓn en caracas tambiÉn se discutiÓ la liberaciÓn de presos estadounidenses y esta noche se confirma q venezuela ha dejado libre a un directivo que llevaba mÁs de 4 aÑos encaelado en el paÍs. adelante, daniel. evidente gesto del presidente nicolÁs maduro la noche de este martes con la salida de las cÁrceles del servicio bolivariano de inteligencia de al menos dos ciudadanos estadounidense, el primero gustavo...
Mar 4, 2022
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maduro dijo que considera un crimen las sanciones internacionales contra moscÚ. nicolÁsar, segÚn dijo, de la histeria y la locura de occidente. leon: en nicaragua hoy comenzÓ el juicio la opositora cristiana marÍa intentÓ desafiar a daniel ortega en las polÉmicas elecciones pasadas. estÁ acusada por supuestamente cometer lavado de dinero, apropiaciÓn y retenciÓn indebida, falsedad ideolÓgica. asÍ las cosas en nicaragua hoyotto chamorro, periodista de profesiÓn, 68 aÑos y estÁ bajo arresto domiciliario desde el 2 de junio de 2021. un pianista italiano le da la bienvenida a los refugiados ucranianos en polyana tratando temas por la paz. las imÁgenes y los detalles al las imÁgenes y los detalles al volver. en denny's, estamos abiertos para lo que sea. como nuestros deliciosos y suavecitos pancakes con galleta de chispas de chocolate. perfectos para la familia. this dough is money! inspirados por nuestras estrellas sociales. get that cookie dough pancakes. sólo en denny's. leon: vamos a despedirnos con imÁgenes emotivas. mÚsica grabada en la frontera entre ucrania y polonia
maduro dijo que considera un crimen las sanciones internacionales contra moscÚ. nicolÁsar, segÚn dijo, de la histeria y la locura de occidente. leon: en nicaragua hoy comenzÓ el juicio la opositora cristiana marÍa intentÓ desafiar a daniel ortega en las polÉmicas elecciones pasadas. estÁ acusada por supuestamente cometer lavado de dinero, apropiaciÓn y retenciÓn indebida, falsedad ideolÓgica. asÍ las cosas en nicaragua hoyotto chamorro, periodista de profesiÓn, 68 aÑos y estÁ...
Mar 10, 2022
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government and nicolas maduro? ms. psaki: the engagement has been ongoing for months. >> can you be any more specific? ms. psaki: i can see if there is something i can get you that is more specific. >> the president is already here , the district of columbia, and about to meet with president biden, was there a courtesy call from the u.s. regarding this engagement with nicolas maduro given the circumstances and given that there have been one of the most vocal critics in the region against nicolas maduro? ms. psaki: i am happy to check and see if there are any more details we can provide on our diplomatic engagement. our top priority was bringing american citizens home. typically those conversations and the briefing out of them happens in a very, very small circle. i would just note that. i will see if there are more details we can provide. >> are there any sanctions to declare colombia as a nato ally after meeting with the president or prior? ms. psaki: let's left the meeting happen. we will have a readout of the meetin
government and nicolas maduro? ms. psaki: the engagement has been ongoing for months. >> can you be any more specific? ms. psaki: i can see if there is something i can get you that is more specific. >> the president is already here , the district of columbia, and about to meet with president biden, was there a courtesy call from the u.s. regarding this engagement with nicolas maduro given the circumstances and given that there have been one of the most vocal critics in the region...
Mar 10, 2022
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el gobierno de nicolÁs maduro anunciÓ la liberaciÓn de ciudadanos estadounidenses que estaban encarceladoscomo nos cuenta pedro rojas. pedro: hoy hablamos en exclusiva con marÍa elena cÁrdenas, esposa de gustavo cÁrdenas, uno de los dos estadounidenses liberados por el gobierno de venezuela en las Últimas 48 horas. >> cuando le dijeron que lo iban a sacar de la cÁrcel, Él pensÓ a donde lo llevarÍan ahora. pedro: gustavo cÁrdenas es un ejecutivo que pasÓ seis aÑos detenido en venezuela y desea que sus compaÑeros reciban la misma bendiciÓn de libertad. >> fueron dÍas difÍciles, pero ayer en la noche fui liberado. pedro: jorge fernÁndez fue el otro estadounidenses liberado, quien era detenido por cargos de terrorismo. juan josÉ fernÁndez dijo que el objetivo era lograr la liberaciÓn de dos de los nueve estadounidenses detenidos en venezuela y para ello hablaron con el gobernante nicolÁs maduro. aÚn cuando todo indica que se buscÓ reactivar el suministro de petrÓleo venezolano. >> no sÓlo reconocemos a juan güaidÓ. >> nos enteramos justo cuando ellos estaban aterrizando en venezuela. pedro: el
el gobierno de nicolÁs maduro anunciÓ la liberaciÓn de ciudadanos estadounidenses que estaban encarceladoscomo nos cuenta pedro rojas. pedro: hoy hablamos en exclusiva con marÍa elena cÁrdenas, esposa de gustavo cÁrdenas, uno de los dos estadounidenses liberados por el gobierno de venezuela en las Últimas 48 horas. >> cuando le dijeron que lo iban a sacar de la cÁrcel, Él pensÓ a donde lo llevarÍan ahora. pedro: gustavo cÁrdenas es un ejecutivo que pasÓ seis aÑos detenido en...
Mar 10, 2022
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nicolÁs maduro ha criticado fuertemente las sanciones del occidente contra rusia maduro catalogÓ comordial. maria: la liberaciÓn de dos estadounidenses condenados por corrupciÓn y terrorismo en venezuela serÍa parte de otro acercamiento diplomÁtico, afirma este catedrÁtico. >> el gobierno sabe que estos dos americanos son importantes para los estados unidos. es una forma de trabajo diplomÁtico. maria: este encuentro entre estados unidos y venezuela causÓ fuertes crÍticas por parte de legisladores que condenan la posibilidad de levantar las sanciones a venezuela y dicen que la reuniÓn fue vergonzosa. desde washington, marÍa rosa, univisiÓn. leon: negocios rusos en estados unidos. en estados unidos paga muy cara la guerra que vladimir putin emprendiÓ contra ucrania. patricia: es el caso de representantes y dueÑos de restaurantes en nueva york que denuncian ser vÍctimas de ataques y amenazas por una decisiÓn tomada a millones de kilÓmetros de distancia que nada tiene que ver con ellos. leon: fabiola hablÓ para ustedes con alguno de los afectados. en esto. fabiola: este chaz mexicano nos
nicolÁs maduro ha criticado fuertemente las sanciones del occidente contra rusia maduro catalogÓ comordial. maria: la liberaciÓn de dos estadounidenses condenados por corrupciÓn y terrorismo en venezuela serÍa parte de otro acercamiento diplomÁtico, afirma este catedrÁtico. >> el gobierno sabe que estos dos americanos son importantes para los estados unidos. es una forma de trabajo diplomÁtico. maria: este encuentro entre estados unidos y venezuela causÓ fuertes crÍticas por...
Mar 9, 2022
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the venezuela president nicolas maduro is going to increase crude oil output.uela released two u.s. sirt sense. one was part of the so-called citgo six. the u.s. president said they were wrongfully detained but will be able to hug their families again. we have the story. >> reporter: isa, at least the two u.s. citizens have been released from prison in venezuela since tuesday night. just days after two top officials visited caracas for the first time in two years. one of them is from the group the citgo 6, a group of oil executives from the american organization citgo petroleum. the six men were contained in caracas which they denied. their family and lawyers have accused the venezuelan government as pawns to expert pressure on the united states. we have covered them extensively here on cnn in the past. a cuban american citizen has spent more than a year in venezuelan prisons on terrorism-related charges has been released. these releases show how widespread the consequences of the russian invasion on ukraine have been around the world. the diplomacy is moving a
the venezuela president nicolas maduro is going to increase crude oil output.uela released two u.s. sirt sense. one was part of the so-called citgo six. the u.s. president said they were wrongfully detained but will be able to hug their families again. we have the story. >> reporter: isa, at least the two u.s. citizens have been released from prison in venezuela since tuesday night. just days after two top officials visited caracas for the first time in two years. one of them is from the...
Mar 8, 2022
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ha comenzado una ronda de negociaciones con el gobierno de nicolÁs maduro en venezuela, lo que ha despertadoado condenas, hace tres aÑos estados unidos reconociÓ como presidente a juan guaidÓ y rompiÓ relaciones con venezuela. >> venezuela anuncia todo su respaldo al a presidente vladimir putin en la defensa de la paz de rusia. >> pero analistas aseguran que podrÍa ser una movida estratÉgica o a largo plazo porque la producciÓn petrolera de venezuela estÁ destruida y tardarÍa aÑos de inversiÓn repararla. >> serÍa golpear a rusia y decirle tambiÉn puedo tomar ciertas posiciones estratÉgicas. >> esta tarde la casa blanca confirmÓ que habrÁ reuniones con arabia saudita para hablar de temas que incluyen la producciÓn petrolera, sobre la de venezuela dijo que ademÁs hablaron de los estadounidenses presos por el rÉgimen de maduro. >> en imÁgenes que evocan las de ucrania de hoy, la represiÓn y el hambre en el rÉgimen de maduro llevaron a la huÍda de millones de venezolanos, algunos ven hoy con desconcierto las plÁticas. >> todo el dinero que entra a venezuela va para el gobierno, esa es una de las
ha comenzado una ronda de negociaciones con el gobierno de nicolÁs maduro en venezuela, lo que ha despertadoado condenas, hace tres aÑos estados unidos reconociÓ como presidente a juan guaidÓ y rompiÓ relaciones con venezuela. >> venezuela anuncia todo su respaldo al a presidente vladimir putin en la defensa de la paz de rusia. >> pero analistas aseguran que podrÍa ser una movida estratÉgica o a largo plazo porque la producciÓn petrolera de venezuela estÁ destruida y...
Mar 16, 2022
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nicolÁs maduro es cÁrcel o a dos ciudadanos de estados unidos, pero hay oposiciÓn en el congreso a eseiencia, la corrupciÓn y la falta de inversiÓn en pdvsa, es imposible que maduro le venda nada a estados unidos. lo Único que nos demuestra el gesto es que quieren ponerse de acuerdo con el dictador maduro. lourdes: una delegaciÓn bajÓ a venezuela 5 de marzo. poco despuÉs el rÉgimen venezolano libro a dos estadounidenses retenidos en el paÍs. >> reconocemos a juan guaidÓ y estamos a favor de quienes quieren democracia en el paÍs. lourdes: la visita fue criticada incluso por miedo de su propio partido. >> hay dos opciones. o el reciente biden y su administraciÓn... quiero ser respetuoso... son tan idiotas... o... estÁn traicionando a la causa de la libertad de venezuela. lourdes: contactamos a la casa blanca y nos enviÓ una reacciÓn por escrito. "nuestra prioridad era traer de regreso ayÚdanos estadounidenses retenidos en venezuela. gracias al esfuerzo de nuestros diplomÁticos lo logramos. fueron discusiones separadas. maduro se comprometiÓ a participar en negociaciones con juan guaidÓ.
nicolÁs maduro es cÁrcel o a dos ciudadanos de estados unidos, pero hay oposiciÓn en el congreso a eseiencia, la corrupciÓn y la falta de inversiÓn en pdvsa, es imposible que maduro le venda nada a estados unidos. lo Único que nos demuestra el gesto es que quieren ponerse de acuerdo con el dictador maduro. lourdes: una delegaciÓn bajÓ a venezuela 5 de marzo. poco despuÉs el rÉgimen venezolano libro a dos estadounidenses retenidos en el paÍs. >> reconocemos a juan guaidÓ y...
Mar 7, 2022
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viajÓ a venezuela para reunirse con oficiales del gobierno venezolano y evaluar si el rÉgimen de nicolÁs maduroicos estadounidenses en venezuela.ç durante la ronda de conversaciones no han llegado a ningÚn acuerdo, y no quedado claro si tendrÁ una nueva reuniÓn. pasamos a mÉxico en donde continÚan las crÍticas por la extrema violencia protagonizada por grupos fanÁticos de los grupos atlas y gallos blancos. en el estadio la corregidora de querÉtaro. viene desde que 2007 el querÉtaro descendiÓ de divisiÓn. y se ha repetido en 2010 y 2013 con nuevos incidentes de gravedad. carolina: la fiscalÍa investiga y aplicarÍa fuertes sanciones a los implicados. reportero de tudn esta en "ediciÓn digital", dinos cÓmo se desatÓ la violencia dejando 20 personas heridas. sanciones y tremendo caos. >> buenos dÍas, sÍ,una tragedia, una barbarie. no se puede calificar de otro modo. empezÓ en el segundo tiempo, en el minuto 15 — 17, cuando el sector que estaba ubicado la barra de atlas comenzaba con problemas. del otro lado estaba la barra de querÉtaro, en donde estÁbamos nosotros. cuando habÍa problemas, corren y
viajÓ a venezuela para reunirse con oficiales del gobierno venezolano y evaluar si el rÉgimen de nicolÁs maduroicos estadounidenses en venezuela.ç durante la ronda de conversaciones no han llegado a ningÚn acuerdo, y no quedado claro si tendrÁ una nueva reuniÓn. pasamos a mÉxico en donde continÚan las crÍticas por la extrema violencia protagonizada por grupos fanÁticos de los grupos atlas y gallos blancos. en el estadio la corregidora de querÉtaro. viene desde que 2007 el querÉtaro...
Mar 12, 2022
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el precio del gas, la gasolina, pero deberÍa estados unidos hacer tracto con dictadores como nicolÁs maduro horario de verano. el domingo 13 de marzo a las dos de la madrugada el reloj adelanta una hora. leon: recuerde que esto es muy importante. nos despedimos. tenga un gran fin de semana. trate de descansar, patricia. patricia: dormiremos una hora menos. [musica] >> los dÍas han sido largos, las noches se han llenado de pesadilla. necesitamos un npunto y aparte. >> grita por la paz. quÉ bueno que el fÚtbol se une y da un mensaje social. el deporte mÁs importante del planeta. >> el partido de mayor convocatoria nacional no llega como una amenaza. lo hace como a una esperanza de tomar un respiro.
el precio del gas, la gasolina, pero deberÍa estados unidos hacer tracto con dictadores como nicolÁs maduro horario de verano. el domingo 13 de marzo a las dos de la madrugada el reloj adelanta una hora. leon: recuerde que esto es muy importante. nos despedimos. tenga un gran fin de semana. trate de descansar, patricia. patricia: dormiremos una hora menos. [musica] >> los dÍas han sido largos, las noches se han llenado de pesadilla. necesitamos un npunto y aparte. >> grita por la...
Mar 8, 2022
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you had a particularly pointed response to this, saying in a statement that reads in part, nicolas maduro to our hemisphere and we should not breathe new life into his reign of torture and murder. senator, are we seeing the importance of american leadership of getting the world together to oppose dangerous regimes. and yet, what's going on with venezuela? >> well, what i said is what i believe. look, i understand the economic consequences that the president is trying to avoid for the american people. i share that concern. but there's places like mexico, the united arab emirates, canada, as well as domestic production that has already been licensed. that should be able to offshoot the consequencs the loss of russian oil. you don't have to go to a dictator that ultimately has created enormous consequences for his people, that kills people, that imprisons them, and to which president biden extended the decree that declare ed maduro and his regime a national security threat. >> and also the environmental consequences of having venezuela produce more oil would be just disastrous to latin ameri
you had a particularly pointed response to this, saying in a statement that reads in part, nicolas maduro to our hemisphere and we should not breathe new life into his reign of torture and murder. senator, are we seeing the importance of american leadership of getting the world together to oppose dangerous regimes. and yet, what's going on with venezuela? >> well, what i said is what i believe. look, i understand the economic consequences that the president is trying to avoid for the...
Mar 9, 2022
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-- >> i think what we're looking at, a scenario, as far as i'm concerned, if we can read off nicolas maduro dealing with russia, it's to our benefit. but we still have to make sure that we stand with -- there's three things that we wanted to make sure of nicolas maduro. we wanted to make sure, number one, he would go back to the negotiating table. number two, get our hostages back. >> and two -- >> we got to continue to work more. number three, we want to make sure we pull away from russia. we're trying to see whether that works, strategically it makes sense. >> cold war pragmatism, that's what that are sounds like to me. your parties want to have a field day on this, at the same time, cold war pragmatism matters in a fight of good and evil? >> this is very reminiscent of my father's war. and that brought americans together. and i think putin has done one thing that i think is good in that he has united nato. he's united the g7 and eu. he's united republicans and democrats. >> do you support this attempt with venezuela? i notice you didn't quite jump in there? >> well, i personally think we
-- >> i think what we're looking at, a scenario, as far as i'm concerned, if we can read off nicolas maduro dealing with russia, it's to our benefit. but we still have to make sure that we stand with -- there's three things that we wanted to make sure of nicolas maduro. we wanted to make sure, number one, he would go back to the negotiating table. number two, get our hostages back. >> and two -- >> we got to continue to work more. number three, we want to make sure we pull...
Mar 12, 2022
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el precio del gas, la gasolina, pero deberÍa estados unidos hacer tracto con dictadores como nicolÁs maduromana comienza el horario de verano. el domingo 13 de marzo a las dos de la madrugada el reloj adelanta una hora. leon: recuerde que esto es muy importante. nos despedimos. tenga un gran fin de semana. trate de descansar, patricia. (locutor) todos los días ocurren cientos de arrestos en california, miles por semana. muchos son justificados y muchos no lo son.
el precio del gas, la gasolina, pero deberÍa estados unidos hacer tracto con dictadores como nicolÁs maduromana comienza el horario de verano. el domingo 13 de marzo a las dos de la madrugada el reloj adelanta una hora. leon: recuerde que esto es muy importante. nos despedimos. tenga un gran fin de semana. trate de descansar, patricia. (locutor) todos los días ocurren cientos de arrestos en california, miles por semana. muchos son justificados y muchos no lo son.
Mar 7, 2022
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officials working to isolate putin by way of venezuelan president nicolas maduro.ays to get to putin, to get to his regime. talk us through it. >> sure. so there are domestic pressure points, and then there are international pressure points. one thing i would say is there is an element of unpredictability in terms of the amount of repression although in the last year and a half, we have seen a shutdown of civil society in particular. i mean that's been building as well, so i would agree there. now, in terms of our sending a delegation down to venezuela to speak to maduro, in the last ten or so years, russia has had to look for different places to trade. and one of those places is latin america, and one of the most lucrative areas has been oil in venezuela. venezuela extracts a type of oil that's very high in sulfur, and it's sort of hard to refine. so we have been able to do that. we do that here in the united states. but of course we put venezuela under sanction in 2014 at the same time we put russia under sanction for its first incursion into ukraine. so the two
officials working to isolate putin by way of venezuelan president nicolas maduro.ays to get to putin, to get to his regime. talk us through it. >> sure. so there are domestic pressure points, and then there are international pressure points. one thing i would say is there is an element of unpredictability in terms of the amount of repression although in the last year and a half, we have seen a shutdown of civil society in particular. i mean that's been building as well, so i would agree...
Mar 10, 2022
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source within the venezuelan government called the release a good-faith gesture by president nicolas madurot's a rare thaw in relations now that the u.s. is no longer getting oil from russia >> we have an interest globally in maintaining a steady supply of energy, including through our diplomatic efforts. >> reporter: but critics argue the u.s. should not be cozying >> he uses negotiations the way putin does habitually, to divide and demoralize his opposition. >> reporter: technically the u.s. still recognizes maduro's opponent as the legitimate leader of venezuela tonight no word on the status of the other detained americans lester >> gabe gutierrez, thank you. >>> in michigan, a trial began today for four men accused of plotting to kidnap the governor amid heightened covid restrictions pete williams joins us now with more. pete, good evening >> reporter: lester, six men were originally charged in this plot. now four are standing trial. prosecutors say they targeted governor gretchen whitmer because of her covid restrictions and planned to kidnap her from her summer home and blow up a brid
source within the venezuelan government called the release a good-faith gesture by president nicolas madurot's a rare thaw in relations now that the u.s. is no longer getting oil from russia >> we have an interest globally in maintaining a steady supply of energy, including through our diplomatic efforts. >> reporter: but critics argue the u.s. should not be cozying >> he uses negotiations the way putin does habitually, to divide and demoralize his opposition. >>...
Mar 9, 2022
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. >> con nicolÁs maduro ve oportunidades. >> venezuela no tiene la protecciÓn de rusia por lo que hayniÓn en caracas maduro anunciÓ que reanudarÁ el diÁlogo con la oposiciÓn. >> regresando a las sanciones como europa depende mÁs del gas y el petrÓleo europeo, el presidente joe biden dijo que no espera que sus aliados de la otto impongan las mismas al mismo tiem, dijo que le va a pedir al congreso destados unidos12 mil millones de dÓlares para ayudar a europa con la crisis de refugiados. >> julio >> muchas gracias, cristina, y regresamos a esta parte del mundo donde si algo hemos aprendido es sobre la fortaleza del pueblo ucraniano, tanto los que se quedan como los que deciden salir como estas mujeres que toman el camino aunque no tengan rum fijo, voluntarios que hacen el trayecto un poco s mÁs fÁcil, rogelio mora-tagle, has hablado con un ucraniano que ha decidido quedarse en ucrania para poder ayudar a los suyos ¿cierto? l, rogelio mora-tagle, has hablado con u >> asÍ es, julio, es que muchas de las personas que estÁn llegando aquÍ a la frontera con polonia, justamente vienen de ciud
. >> con nicolÁs maduro ve oportunidades. >> venezuela no tiene la protecciÓn de rusia por lo que hayniÓn en caracas maduro anunciÓ que reanudarÁ el diÁlogo con la oposiciÓn. >> regresando a las sanciones como europa depende mÁs del gas y el petrÓleo europeo, el presidente joe biden dijo que no espera que sus aliados de la otto impongan las mismas al mismo tiem, dijo que le va a pedir al congreso destados unidos12 mil millones de dÓlares para ayudar a europa con la...
Mar 9, 2022
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it comes after president nicolas maduro signaled an interest in improving relations with the u.s.fter russia's invasion of ukraine. the white house announced one of the men is gustavo cardenas, one of six oil executives arrested in 2017 known as the citgo six. they were charged with financial crimes. the release follows a weekend visit by a high-level american delegation to venezuela. >>> "the washington post" says that the senate passed a $107 billion overhaul of the u.s. postal service. the measure provides financial relief that officials say will ensure six day-a-week mail delivery and allow it to modernize and improve service. it comes amid widespread complaints about mail service slowdowns. officials have warned that the postal service would run out of money by 2024 without congressional action. >>> and the "honolulu star advertiser" says that hawaii governor david ige announced the state's indoor mask mandate will end in about two weeks. hawaii is the last state in the nation to lift its mask mandate. ige cited declining covid case numbers and hospitalizations but said if ca
it comes after president nicolas maduro signaled an interest in improving relations with the u.s.fter russia's invasion of ukraine. the white house announced one of the men is gustavo cardenas, one of six oil executives arrested in 2017 known as the citgo six. they were charged with financial crimes. the release follows a weekend visit by a high-level american delegation to venezuela. >>> "the washington post" says that the senate passed a $107 billion overhaul of the u.s....
Mar 24, 2022
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we've mean, you know, we've seen hugo chavez, his successor, nicolas maduro, in venezuela...ts campaigner, says of her native nicaragua, daniel 0rtega, "we can no longer support him." she says, "the leader that some have supported in 1979 "in that revolution to realise that he is a murderous dictator "and that people are being killed in nicaragua." so it's — authoritarianism knows no ideology, really, does it? exactly. that's why we have to move away from the extremes and get in the centre, because most people want to be there. but what is it about south america and the people's psyche, in a way, that they can't keep the military out of politics? as that's where the authoritarianism tends to come in. i mean, one brazilian writer, vanessa barbara, said, "at family dinners and in taxi cabs, "you can hear talk of how things were better "when the generals were in charge." you know, you hear that kind of comment made very often. and if you look at brazil today, for instance — bolsonaro, the president, is a former army captain. 9 out of 22 of his ministers are from the armed forces
we've mean, you know, we've seen hugo chavez, his successor, nicolas maduro, in venezuela...ts campaigner, says of her native nicaragua, daniel 0rtega, "we can no longer support him." she says, "the leader that some have supported in 1979 "in that revolution to realise that he is a murderous dictator "and that people are being killed in nicaragua." so it's — authoritarianism knows no ideology, really, does it? exactly. that's why we have to move away from the...
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new jersey senator robert menendez saying in a statement, venezuelan president nicolas maduro is a cancer to our hemisphere, and we should not breathe new life into his reign of torture and murder. republican senator rick scott called discussions about venezuelan oil disgusting. meanwhile, the travel industry is also bracing because higher gas prices means more expensive airfare. experts say if you're planning on traveling, book your flights soon. if you have points or vouchers consider using them. >> em, thank you. >>> we're learning more about a shooting outside a high school in des moines, iowa. a 15-year-old boy was killed and two female students are in critical condition. police say bullets came flying out of a car. police detained some suspects but no arrests have been made. >>> two new studies are suggesting a link between even mild cases of covid-19 and brain damage. one study found that smaller brain size and tissue damage in older people infected with covid. researchers also found damaged neurons. the patients were unvaccinated. the findings could explain the cognitive decline i
new jersey senator robert menendez saying in a statement, venezuelan president nicolas maduro is a cancer to our hemisphere, and we should not breathe new life into his reign of torture and murder. republican senator rick scott called discussions about venezuelan oil disgusting. meanwhile, the travel industry is also bracing because higher gas prices means more expensive airfare. experts say if you're planning on traveling, book your flights soon. if you have points or vouchers consider using...
Mar 19, 2022
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and we're seeing president nicolas maduro saying things that we didn't think was possible. that we didn'ts government was more likely than we thought to be pragmatic and look for solutions that didn't include the change of a government, that do include the change of the model, the socialist model that they have put in place in venezuela. obviously, we don't know what the outcome is going to be. always venezuela, it's a very unpredictable story that we need to be very careful about. six months or so ago, if i had known that the americans were going to go and maduro for a favour and that maduro were going to go and ask maduro for a favour and that maduro would respond by considering doing them a favour, i would have thought that was just fantasy. one of the crucial elements of this political movement that has been in powerfor 22 years in venezuela is anti—imperialism — the idea that the united states is a bad influence for the region. chavez suffered a coup in 2002. he thought that the united states was behind that. since then, he got very close to castro, to cuba — to russia, in fact — and
and we're seeing president nicolas maduro saying things that we didn't think was possible. that we didn'ts government was more likely than we thought to be pragmatic and look for solutions that didn't include the change of a government, that do include the change of the model, the socialist model that they have put in place in venezuela. obviously, we don't know what the outcome is going to be. always venezuela, it's a very unpredictable story that we need to be very careful about. six months...
Mar 19, 2022
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and we're seeing president nicolas maduro saying things that we didn't think were possible. likely than we thought to be pragmatic and look for solutions that didn't include the change of a government, but do include the change of the model, the socialist model that they have put in place in venezuela. obviously, we don't know what the outcome is going to be. always venezuela, it's a very unpredictable story that we need to be very careful about. six months or so ago, if i had known that the americans were going to go and ask maduro for a favour and that maduro would respond by considering doing them a favour, i would have thought that was just fantasy. one of the crucial elements of this political movement that has been in powerfor 22 years in venezuela is anti—imperialism — the idea that the united states is a bad influence for the region. chavez suffered a coup in 2002. he thought that the united states was behind that. since then, he got very close to castro, to cuba — to russia, in fact — and his whole idea of anti—imperialism became a crucial element of his political m
and we're seeing president nicolas maduro saying things that we didn't think were possible. likely than we thought to be pragmatic and look for solutions that didn't include the change of a government, but do include the change of the model, the socialist model that they have put in place in venezuela. obviously, we don't know what the outcome is going to be. always venezuela, it's a very unpredictable story that we need to be very careful about. six months or so ago, if i had known that the...
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it comes after biden administration officials met over the weekend with president nicolas maduro to discuss the potential for easing u.s. oil sanctions against venezuela. the trump administration broke off diplomatic relations with the country back in 2019. >> defending freedom is going to cost. >> reporter: on tuesday, president biden announced a ban on russian energy u. warning americans to brace for even higher gas prices. >> that means russian oil will no longer be acceptable at u.s. ports, and the american people will deal another powerful blow to putin's war machine. >> reporter: it's unclear what impact the ban will have on russia, the world's third larger oil producer. the u.s. imports only about 3% of its oil from russia, far less than europe. but overnight oil prices rose once again and gas prices in the u.s. already up 56 cents in the last week rose another 13 krece in the last 24 hours. republicans argue president biden's temporary freeze on new drilling leases has hurt america's ability to produce its own oil and gas. but the white house says more than 9,000 approved oil and ga
it comes after biden administration officials met over the weekend with president nicolas maduro to discuss the potential for easing u.s. oil sanctions against venezuela. the trump administration broke off diplomatic relations with the country back in 2019. >> defending freedom is going to cost. >> reporter: on tuesday, president biden announced a ban on russian energy u. warning americans to brace for even higher gas prices. >> that means russian oil will no longer be...
Mar 7, 2022
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segÚn Él en venezuela se uniÓ a la protesta contra nicolÁs maduro, dijo que eso no ocurrirÁ en ucrania a gusto estando en colimasin hacer nada. angie: a diferencia de chaparro el joven universitario forma parte de otro tipo de batallÓn civil. >> mi lucha no es armada, yo no tomarÍa el tema en las armas. anngie: todos los dÍas zepeda busca medicinas y comida para los mÁs necesitados. >> localizamos los produjo y luego los llevamos a los lugares. angie: al comienzo de la invasiÓn creÍa que estaba viendo la pelÍcula, pero ahora se resigna a esta nueva realidad. >> sabemos que uno puede ser el siguiente, yo he visto a personas que intentan. angie: seguir adelante con sus vidas en medio de una guerra que por ahora se le ve fin. no alina cuÁnto tiempo piensa que los ucranianos pueden soportar este tipo de ataques? >> eso depende del apoyo logÍstico. angie: ademÁs de la ayuda militar de estados unidos y otros paÍses, para josÉ david chaparro lo que mÁs alimenta la fortaleza de la resistencia ucraniana es su propio presidente. >> es una persona que sin tener la capacidad o la experiencia ha tr
segÚn Él en venezuela se uniÓ a la protesta contra nicolÁs maduro, dijo que eso no ocurrirÁ en ucrania a gusto estando en colimasin hacer nada. angie: a diferencia de chaparro el joven universitario forma parte de otro tipo de batallÓn civil. >> mi lucha no es armada, yo no tomarÍa el tema en las armas. anngie: todos los dÍas zepeda busca medicinas y comida para los mÁs necesitados. >> localizamos los produjo y luego los llevamos a los lugares. angie: al comienzo de la...
Mar 14, 2022
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i saw some comments from nicolas maduro, from the president of venezuela, where is almost public enemyzuela�*s oil. absolutely, energy shocks make for interesting bedfellows. gabriel, you know ukraine incredibly well, you lived there for some years, you are backwards and forwards regularly and you have of friends there. it is a vast country — i mean, you showed me some of that when i visited for work and worked with you. vast, beautiful country. agriculturally, so rich. and yet, last weekend, they were imposing export controls — not just on wheat, but things as basic as poultry and eggs and almost everybody has got poultry around the country in such a rural country — a country with such big rural areas. does that suggest that they are really now getting seriously worried about food supplies? i think they are seriouslyl worried about everything. i think, for the moment, - from ukrainians i am speaking to, is that they are fighting fortheir lives, right? - cities like mariupol are encircled. - people are melting snow to drink. - so, i think the sort of — i the slightly longer—term, you k
i saw some comments from nicolas maduro, from the president of venezuela, where is almost public enemyzuela�*s oil. absolutely, energy shocks make for interesting bedfellows. gabriel, you know ukraine incredibly well, you lived there for some years, you are backwards and forwards regularly and you have of friends there. it is a vast country — i mean, you showed me some of that when i visited for work and worked with you. vast, beautiful country. agriculturally, so rich. and yet, last...
Mar 10, 2022
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relax economic pressure on venezuela depending on the outcome of upcoming talks between president nicolas maduro and the opposition. a senior administration official says washington want to see progress toward restoring democratic governance before it allows venezuela to increase oil exports to the united states. venezuela has been under economic and oil sanctions since 2019. hong kong will not resume international travel until it contained its record-setting covid outbreak. chief executive carrie lam today said the city cannot lift a ban from flights from nine countries including the u.s., u.k., and australia, because it would add more pressure to an already overwhelmed care system. hong kong's plan to let -- to test the entire 7.4 million population has been put on hold indefinitely. global news 24 hours a day, on-air, and on bloomberg quicktake, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries. i'm mark crumpton. this is bloomberg. ♪ matt: good afternoon from new york where it is 1:00, 6:00 in london, 2:00 a.m. in hong kong. i'm matt miller. welcome to bloomberg market
relax economic pressure on venezuela depending on the outcome of upcoming talks between president nicolas maduro and the opposition. a senior administration official says washington want to see progress toward restoring democratic governance before it allows venezuela to increase oil exports to the united states. venezuela has been under economic and oil sanctions since 2019. hong kong will not resume international travel until it contained its record-setting covid outbreak. chief executive...
Mar 8, 2022
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us officials met with the government of president nicolas maduro.ports that biden administration is considering a trip to saudi arabia to convince the kingdom to pump more oil. over the weekend, the ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky spoke directly, making the case for the us to stop purchasing russian oil. in europe though, this met with opposition. you can't simply _ this met with opposition. ym. can't simply close—down use of oil and gas overnight, even from russia. that is obviously something not every country around the world can do. the british prime _ around the world can do. the british prime minister echoing the sentiment of his dutch counterpart.— counterpart. we have to dramatically _ counterpart. we have to dramatically reduce - counterpart. we have to dramatically reduce our| dramatically reduce our dependency on gas and oil from russia — dependency on gas and oil from russia. that will take time. with— russia. that will take time. with the _ russia. that will take time. with the us and its allies scrambling to replace russia's oil,
us officials met with the government of president nicolas maduro.ports that biden administration is considering a trip to saudi arabia to convince the kingdom to pump more oil. over the weekend, the ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky spoke directly, making the case for the us to stop purchasing russian oil. in europe though, this met with opposition. you can't simply _ this met with opposition. ym. can't simply close—down use of oil and gas overnight, even from russia. that is obviously...
Mar 13, 2022
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any attempt to remain into power after 2024 will be illegal and putin will not be recognized as nicolas madurond alexander lukashenko in belarus, that maybe will be helpful to us. >> all right, elena, thank you so much for joining us on cnn. we appreciate it. >>> let's go back to cnn's salma abdelaziz. and overnight a little before 6:00 a.m. we heard a series of explosions not far from our position here. tell us more about what happened because here we are, we are basically close to the polish border. >> reporter: absolutely. and this is, again, part of this intensification, this widening of the russian attack, the russian invasion on this country that had so far really focused on the east. ware now seeing strikes on the west. the latest as you said just after 6:00 a.m. near the polish border, a base, essentially, a really big base that's been used for training ukrainian soldiers in the past. american troops have been there in past years as well to help with their ukrainian allies. so this is a very important and strategic military position for the ukrainian military. now, we don't know detail
any attempt to remain into power after 2024 will be illegal and putin will not be recognized as nicolas madurond alexander lukashenko in belarus, that maybe will be helpful to us. >> all right, elena, thank you so much for joining us on cnn. we appreciate it. >>> let's go back to cnn's salma abdelaziz. and overnight a little before 6:00 a.m. we heard a series of explosions not far from our position here. tell us more about what happened because here we are, we are basically close...
Mar 11, 2022
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is approaching venezuela, one white auto -- juan guaidado, nicolas maduro.taking steps to replenish the lost barrels we are losing, according to russia. i don't know if we are going to ban russian oil and gas. i am not even going to comment on that. but what you can comment is the new relationships forming at the margin. look at south korea. amidst it all, we have not talked about the 12th largest economy on the planet has had a leadership change, a pivot towards the u.s., towards japan. we will see more of that in lieu of what is going on. he's going to have a lot of trouble passing legislation. he's facing a super majority in the senate and house in korea. the fact of the matter is this is real. you will see a lot more economies pivoting toward the u.s. tom: i mentioned it this week, the turkish lira with a difficult week as well. we will have to follow that on the black sea. damian sassower, thank you so much. i recommend earpiece 101. ferro flunked it twice before he finally figured it out. jonathan: i use a molded one now, tom. tom: i tried the molded o
is approaching venezuela, one white auto -- juan guaidado, nicolas maduro.taking steps to replenish the lost barrels we are losing, according to russia. i don't know if we are going to ban russian oil and gas. i am not even going to comment on that. but what you can comment is the new relationships forming at the margin. look at south korea. amidst it all, we have not talked about the 12th largest economy on the planet has had a leadership change, a pivot towards the u.s., towards japan. we...
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officially that meeting was about how to drive a wedge between russian president vladmir putin and nicolas maduroade it clear his oil is for sale. that was part of the discussion with the dictator. this led north dakota's governor to scratch his head. >> the simplest thing we should be doing is selling energy to our friends and allies versus buying it from our enemies. sell to our friends and allies versus buy from our enemies. the biden administration is doing the exact opposite. reporter: democrat ric senator joe manchin says the u.s. needs to expand energy independence. the administration talking with iran about lifting oil sanctions in a nuclear deal. so far the white house dodging that direct question from me, now saying that they are doing everything they can to work to increase the supply of oil and trying to move the blame for gas prices to putin's invasion. >> we anticipated increase which i think some of your colleagues were asking about, that is the direct result of the invasion of ukraine and also there was an anticipation of that. that was, that was, was factored in as gas prices hav
officially that meeting was about how to drive a wedge between russian president vladmir putin and nicolas maduroade it clear his oil is for sale. that was part of the discussion with the dictator. this led north dakota's governor to scratch his head. >> the simplest thing we should be doing is selling energy to our friends and allies versus buying it from our enemies. sell to our friends and allies versus buy from our enemies. the biden administration is doing the exact opposite....
Mar 9, 2022
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president nicolas maduro said he plans to increase crude oil output. >>> we'll speak with a journalist leave his country after the last independent tv station shut down. his insight on what is happening in his country and putin's mindset next. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with he. always look for th grown in idaho seal. (upbeat music) - [narrator] this is kate. she always wanted her smile to shine. now, she uses a capful of therabreath healthy smile oral rinse to give her the healthy, sparkly smile she always wanted. (crowd cheering) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. if you have this... consider adding this. an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare. medicare supplement plans help by paying some of what medicare doesn't... and let you see any doctor. any specialist. anywhere in the u.s. who accepts medicare patients. so if you have this... consider adding this. call unitedhealthcare tod
president nicolas maduro said he plans to increase crude oil output. >>> we'll speak with a journalist leave his country after the last independent tv station shut down. his insight on what is happening in his country and putin's mindset next. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with he. always look for th grown in idaho seal. (upbeat music) - [narrator] this...
Mar 10, 2022
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sure we have nicolas maduro there, he's a big problem and we have to deal with him.oil reserves, they have reserves every electronic that we have, they have supplied there. i do think there is potential for venezuela. it's not the same as iran, it's not the same thing and they are in our backyard. if we can take this opportunity to dislodge russia's relationship in venezuela, i think there's opportunity there for disruption. this is time for us to understand who he is and understand the deal we can get there but conventional thinking has to change in this moment because we are in a disruptive time. >> shannon: you know you may be an outlier in your party because there is bipartisan push back against entertaining with venezuela, inc. you for giving us the viewpoint as well. more break in coverage of the war in ukraine, next. this is vuity™, the first and only fda approved eye-drop that improves age-related blurry near vision. wait, what? it sounded like you just said an eye drop that may help you see up close. i did. it's an innovative way to... so, wait. i don't alwa
sure we have nicolas maduro there, he's a big problem and we have to deal with him.oil reserves, they have reserves every electronic that we have, they have supplied there. i do think there is potential for venezuela. it's not the same as iran, it's not the same thing and they are in our backyard. if we can take this opportunity to dislodge russia's relationship in venezuela, i think there's opportunity there for disruption. this is time for us to understand who he is and understand the deal we...
Mar 8, 2022
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aquÍ parte de lo que dijo nicolÁs maduro.do. hoy amanecemos con un precio promedio de 4.17 por galÓn. satcha: segÚn los pronÓsticos podrÍa aumentar todavÍa mÁs el galÓn de gasolina antes de que culmine la semana. cuÉntanos, quÉ recomendaciones nos puedes dar puntuales? edwin: de inmediato de lÁpiz y papel, una de las recomendaciones es ir a una tienda mayorista para poner gasolina a su auto, consultar programas de lealtad, hay muchas aplicaciones para encontrar mejores precios, pagar en efectivo y reducir el lÍmite de velocidad. otro punto clave tambiÉn es vaciar su caja, su maleta, revisar la presiÓn de las llantas, serÍa clave tambiÉn para ahorrar algo de dinero. satcha: excelentes recomendaciones, aquÍ va una adicional que sugieren llenar el tanque los lunes. edwin: buena recomendaciÓn. satcha: hay que organizamos todos para ahorrar hoy en dÍa. y bien, a esta hora dos estudiantes de iowa amanecen en estado crÍtico, tiene 16 y 18 aÑos y fueron agredidas a las afueras de una escuela preparatoria. un adolescente de 15 falleci
aquÍ parte de lo que dijo nicolÁs maduro.do. hoy amanecemos con un precio promedio de 4.17 por galÓn. satcha: segÚn los pronÓsticos podrÍa aumentar todavÍa mÁs el galÓn de gasolina antes de que culmine la semana. cuÉntanos, quÉ recomendaciones nos puedes dar puntuales? edwin: de inmediato de lÁpiz y papel, una de las recomendaciones es ir a una tienda mayorista para poner gasolina a su auto, consultar programas de lealtad, hay muchas aplicaciones para encontrar mejores precios,...
Mar 9, 2022
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the releases come hours after venezuelan president nicolas maduro signaled an interest in improving relationsthe u.s. and the u.s. signaled interest in venezuelan oil. president biden has signed an executive order on government oversight of crypto currency. it urges the federal reserve to explore whether the central bank should create its own dig call currency. a senior administration official says the biden administration views the explosive popularity of crypto currency as an opportunity to examine the risks and benefit of digital assets. and the first person to receive heart transplant from a pig has died two months after the groundbreaking experiment. officials at the university of maryland medical center are not giving an exact cause of death for 57-year-old david bennett. they say his condition had begun deteriorating several days ago. doctors are hoping they can eventually use animal organs for life-saving transplants in humans. up next, the ukraine conflict is leading both republicans and democrats to push for more defense spending but up on capitol hill today, covid funding was pulle
the releases come hours after venezuelan president nicolas maduro signaled an interest in improving relationsthe u.s. and the u.s. signaled interest in venezuelan oil. president biden has signed an executive order on government oversight of crypto currency. it urges the federal reserve to explore whether the central bank should create its own dig call currency. a senior administration official says the biden administration views the explosive popularity of crypto currency as an opportunity to...
Mar 15, 2022
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and new jersey democrat bob menendez, objected after reports emerged that venezuelan president nicolÁs maduroet with american officials in caracas earlier this month. meanwhile, koch industries said this week it has no plans to join neay 400 otr ltinatiol corporions tt have susnded the russian operatio. thconglorate, wch irun the bilonaire rublican party dor charlekoch, ow at lea three cpanies still dog busine in russ. idaho's republican-led legislature has approved an anti-abortion bill modeled after texas' first-of-its-kind law that effectively bans abortions after about six weeks. the idaho law allows family members of a pregnant person, as well as a potential father, to sue a doctor who performs an abortion. those who succeed could collect $20,000 plus legal fees from the abortion provider. under the law, a rapist could not file such a lawsuit but a rapist's relatives could sue. this comes just days after idaho lawmakers approved a bill that would ban puberty-blocking treatment, hormone therapy, and gender-affirming surgery for trans children. it would also make it a felony to take trans
and new jersey democrat bob menendez, objected after reports emerged that venezuelan president nicolÁs maduroet with american officials in caracas earlier this month. meanwhile, koch industries said this week it has no plans to join neay 400 otr ltinatiol corporions tt have susnded the russian operatio. thconglorate, wch irun the bilonaire rublican party dor charlekoch, ow at lea three cpanies still dog busine in russ. idaho's republican-led legislature has approved an anti-abortion bill...
Mar 8, 2022
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officials, they actually traveled to venezuela to work out a deal with a vile dictator nicolas maduroand meanwhile, as we speak, diplomats are attempting to open up america to more iranian oil shipments. that's right, the mullahs of iran it's a death to israel, death to america. by the way, a deal brokered by russia. you can't make this up in a spy novel. this is, by definition, insanity, weakness on a level i have never seen in this country before, and it is extraordinarily dangerous that we want to partner with the countries that hate us the most we have the natural resources rate here in this country to not only take care of our needs but the needs of our allies and in europe. speculation that biden may make presidential trip to venezuela to beg them to increase their oil production. in what world does any of this make any sense? we have enough oil and gas to supply the u.s. and our allies for 100 years. so to all your climate cult alarmists in the democratic party, i have a question that no one has been able to answer. tell me what the differences -- how does it impact mother eart
officials, they actually traveled to venezuela to work out a deal with a vile dictator nicolas maduroand meanwhile, as we speak, diplomats are attempting to open up america to more iranian oil shipments. that's right, the mullahs of iran it's a death to israel, death to america. by the way, a deal brokered by russia. you can't make this up in a spy novel. this is, by definition, insanity, weakness on a level i have never seen in this country before, and it is extraordinarily dangerous that we...
Mar 7, 2022
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over the weekend, to discuss the possibility of easing sanctions on oil expors with the regime's nicolas maduros nbc news, business and tech correspondent, j ling kent live from los angeles. how are people coping with these record-high gas prices? >> we're here at a gas station in los angeles where a gallon of regular is $6.98, premium, about $7.29. the price is off the charts. the national average, $4.07. you do the math and know that 64% of americans live paycheck to paycheck. individuals on fixed income, hit particularly hard. i interviewed carolyn heartfield about her experience in atlanta, where she's already grappling with high inflation. this is what she told me. >> the last time i put gas in my car, when it got to $40, i quit! and it still wasn't full! i do not do unnecessary trips. >> how much you looking forward to the day that gas costs less? >> oh, my gosh, i'm really looking forward to that. >> reporter: carolyn says that she hopes that she'll eventually be able to make those road trips down to florida that she's missing out on. but what she experiences and what she does is basical
over the weekend, to discuss the possibility of easing sanctions on oil expors with the regime's nicolas maduros nbc news, business and tech correspondent, j ling kent live from los angeles. how are people coping with these record-high gas prices? >> we're here at a gas station in los angeles where a gallon of regular is $6.98, premium, about $7.29. the price is off the charts. the national average, $4.07. you do the math and know that 64% of americans live paycheck to paycheck....
Mar 9, 2022
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and remember trump was also the one in 2019 who crushed nicolas maduro in venezuela, punishing him for the way he was treating and brutalizing his own people, starving them, a million plus refugees crossing the border are from venezuela, elsewhere. and in addition to that, just the production, the keystone pipe on, that was 42,000 jobs that joe biden killed on day one and about 800,000 barrels per day. so the answer is right here. you know, people complain nothing is leading the usa anymore. we have energy under our feet and off our shores we ought to be tapping into that and everybody knows it. in july of 2021 jen psaki planned rising gas prices on seasonal surges. today joe biden is blaming it on putin's war. but this country is very smart and people no, particularly those who have gas in their cars as a necessity, home heating as a necessity, they know that the price of fuel has doubled from the day -- from election day 2022 today, march 8th, 2022. if doubled and that happened long before putin invaded ukraine. to wrap up your point, joe biden has two problems with the polls. one, t
and remember trump was also the one in 2019 who crushed nicolas maduro in venezuela, punishing him for the way he was treating and brutalizing his own people, starving them, a million plus refugees crossing the border are from venezuela, elsewhere. and in addition to that, just the production, the keystone pipe on, that was 42,000 jobs that joe biden killed on day one and about 800,000 barrels per day. so the answer is right here. you know, people complain nothing is leading the usa anymore. we...